Epsom Salt: The Frugal Fix-All You Didn’t Know You Needed

Epsom salt could be the frugal solution you are looking for.
Epsom salt has a plethora of uses. Diane C Macdonald/Shutterstock

Let’s talk about one of the most underrated items in your bathroom cabinet—Epsom salt. It’s cheap, it’s unassuming, and it has more uses than a Swiss Army knife at a Boy Scout jamboree.

But what is Epsom salt anyway? Is it salt? Is it magic? Nope. It’s a naturally occurring mineral compound of magnesium and sulfate—nothing close to (actually quite the opposite) edible table salt, which is sodium chloride.

Discovered in the town of Epsom, Surrey, England (hence the name), it’s been used for centuries to soothe aches, to fertilize gardens, and as the MVP of budget-friendly household hacks.

Soothe Aching Muscles

Add a cup or two of Epsom salt to a warm bath and soak for 15 to 20 minutes.
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Why It Works: The magnesium in Epsom salt helps relax muscles and reduce inflammation. Skip the overpriced bath bombs and let Epsom salt be your go-to for post-workout soreness or long days spent wrestling your kids into their winter coats.

Make a DIY Body Scrub

Mix Epsom salt with a bit of olive oil or coconut oil for an exfoliating scrub that sloughs away dead skin. If you enjoy a lovely fragrance, go ahead and add a few drops of essential oil.
Why It Works: It’s abrasive enough to exfoliate but gentle enough to avoid turning your skin into sandpaper. Plus, you'll save a fortune on overpriced exfoliators that smell like “Midnight Lavender Dreams” but cost the equivalent of a small mortgage payment.

Relieve Splinters

Dissolve a tablespoon of Epsom salt in warm water and soak the area with the splinter.
Why It Works: Epsom salt reduces inflammation and helps draw the splinter to the surface. It’s like having a tiny, frugal surgeon at your disposal.

Boost Your Plants

Sprinkle a tablespoon or two of Epsom salt around the base of your plants, or dissolve it in water and spray it on the leaves.
Why It Works: The magnesium and sulfate in Epsom salt are essential nutrients for plant growth, especially for tomatoes, peppers, and roses. Bonus: It’s a lot cheaper than specialty fertilizers and doesn’t involve mysterious ingredients you can’t pronounce. (Warning: Do not assume you can substitute table salt here for Epsom salt. The two have nothing in common. Table salt will kill your plant and just about any living botanical, including the weeds in your garden.)

Freshen Your Feet

Add half a cup of Epsom salt to a basin of warm water and soak your feet.
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Why It Works: It softens calluses, soothes soreness, and gives your feet the TLC they deserve. It’s also a lot less embarrassing than paying someone to scrape the bottom of your feet with a cheese grater at the salon.

Clean Tile and Grout

Mix equal parts Epsom salt and Blue Dawn dish soap. Use this paste to scrub tile and grout.
Why It Works: The abrasiveness of Epsom salt combined with the grease-cutting power of Blue Dawn creates a powerhouse cleaning duo. Plus, it’s so satisfying to see the grime disappear without resorting to harsh chemicals.

DIY Hair Volumizer

Mix equal parts Epsom salt and your conditioner. Apply to your hair, leave for 10 minutes, and rinse thoroughly.
Why It Works: Epsom salt removes excess oil and buildup, giving your hair more volume. It’s a frugal alternative to pricey volumizing products and makes your locks look less “days-old ponytail” and more “just stepped out of a salon.”

De-gunk Pots and Pans

Sprinkle Epsom salt on stubborn, burnt-on food and scrub with a sponge.
Why It Works: The coarse texture of Epsom salt scrubs away gunk without scratching your cookware. It’s like having a magic eraser for your kitchen disasters.

Repel Garden Pests

Sprinkle Epsom salt around your garden to deter slugs and snails.
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Why It Works: Slugs and snails hate the stuff, and who can blame them? Imagine crawling over something that’s basically nature’s exfoliant. Meanwhile, you keep your garden pest-free without having to resort to pricey chemicals.

Get a Better Night’s Sleep

Take a relaxing Epsom salt bath before bedtime.
Why It Works: The magnesium in Epsom salt can help improve sleep quality. It’s basically the bedtime equivalent of a lullaby in mineral form.

Remove Blackheads

Mix a teaspoon of Epsom salt with warm water and a few drops of iodine. Apply with a cotton ball, let it sit for a minute, and rinse. This mixture helps loosen blackheads and cleanse pores without requiring a trip to a fancy dermatologist.

Final Thoughts

Who knew a bag of Epsom salt, which costs less than a latte at your favorite coffee shop, could be the unsung hero of so many frugal fixes?

The next time you see a bag of Epsom salt on sale, grab it. You‘ll be ready to tackle everything from tired feet to tomato plants with the confidence of someone who knows that frugality isn’t just about saving money—it’s about making the most of what you have. And if nothing else, it’ll give you one more thing to brag about at your next PTA meeting. “Oh, you spent $20 on grout cleaner? I made mine with Epsom salt and dish soap.” Cue the applause.

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Mary Hunt
Mary Hunt
Mary invites you to visit her at EverydayCheapskate.com, where this column is archived complete with links and resources for all recommended products and services. Mary invites questions and comments at https://www.everydaycheapskate.com/contact/, “Ask Mary.” This column will answer questions of general interest, but letters cannot be answered individually. Mary Hunt is the founder of EverydayCheapskate.com, a frugal living blog, and the author of the book “Debt-Proof Living.” COPYRIGHT 2022 CREATORS.COM
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