Blueberries make the top-ten list of most-consumed fruits in the United States, coming in at number seven. These small nutrient-rich berries have notable amounts of vitamin K, manganese, vitamin C, copper, and more. These and other nutrients mean blueberries offer a long list of health benefits.
In 2017, Food & Nutrition Research published a review of several studies looking at anthocyanidins and anthocyanins, the water-soluble pigments that give blueberries their hue. These pigments “possess antioxidative and antimicrobial activities, improve visual and neurological health, and protect against various non-communicable diseases,” such as heart disease, diabetes, autoimmune diseases, and cancer, noted the review.
Tannins, in particular proanthocyanidins and ellagitannins, are bioactive compounds responsible for certain health benefits. Their antioxidant capacity makes them powerhouses for preventing inflammation, cardiovascular problems, and even fighting the risk of cancer, confirms a research review in the International Journal of Molecular Science.
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Tannins are also part of a group called phenolic compounds. These are phytochemicals with small molecules that have at least one phenol unit. Other familiar subgroups are curcuminoids or coumarins with anti-tumor and anti-cancer properties of their own.
‘Anti-Cancer Fruit’
A 2013 review published in Anticancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry found several studies that showed blueberries’ potential as “anti-cancer fruit.” Researchers focused their studies on a wide spectrum of research that included clinical trials, testing in live specimens (in vivo), and in test tubes (in vitro). The results showed the promising effects of “blueberries and their active constituents […] as effective anti-cancer agents, both in the form of functional foods and as nutritional supplements.”
The findings suggest that blueberries inhibit the formation of cancer cells by hindering normal cell mutation into cancerous ones. This is accomplished by preventing the creation of pro-inflammatory molecules, as well as reducing oxidative stress and its effects, which can lead to increased cell death and DNA damage.
Novel Cancer Therapy
Nearly 40 percent of individuals will suffer from cancer during their lifetime. Finding new treatments and methods to help patients remain in remission was the goal of a group of scientists who published their findings in the journal Pathology Oncology Research.
They reviewed available studies and published “Beyond Conventional Medicine—a Look at Blueberry, a Cancer-Fighting Superfruit.” This promising summary of the research gives us a reason to eat more blueberries in the effort to improve our health through nutrition and lifestyle changes.
The National Foundation for Cancer Research wrote an article about a blueberry extract being researched as an adjunct in radiation therapy.
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A 2019 paper published in Pathology Oncology Research highlights the use of blueberry extract specifically linked to cervical cancer. The test group that received the extract while receiving radiation therapy good results, indicating that “blueberry might be used as a potential radiosensitizer to treat CC [cervical cancer],” declared the authors of the study.
Another study focused on blueberry extract in relation to breast cancer treatment. Done on cell lines and mice, it found that phytochemicals in blueberry extract possess active compounds preventing the manifestation of cancer, especially in “triple negative breast cancer cell lines.” Triple-negative because these cancer cells are missing estrogen and progesterone receptors, as well as most or all of the protein HER2,” according to the American Cancer Society.
This research suggests eating blueberries is a valuable strategy for preventing breast cancer in humans. Eating blueberries may lower the growth of tumors and decrease certain markers (AKT and NFkappaB) which are measured for metastatic potential.
What is the correct dosage? How does one accomplish a condensed intake of blueberries?
Can I Eat Enough Blueberries?
The same researchers looked at the amount of blueberries the mice had been fed in the study, and translated that into human-size numbers. They arrived at the following dosage:
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“2.03 g/kg human or 122 grams (4.3 oz) of fresh blueberries/day for a 60 kg [132 pound] person.”
The study recommends one 6-ounce serving of fresh blueberries per day to receive a super-health boost. The team of researchers points out that enjoying America’s favorite berries “could be an important part of dietary cancer prevention strategies.”
A 2020 study published in Experimental Oncology also tested a blueberry extract produced by using the alcohol-extraction method. The results are very promising and provide further proof that blueberry extract can “inhibit the growth and decrease cell adhesion and migration of different cancer cell lines.”
Growing Your Own
The University of New Hampshire published a fact sheet on how to grow highbush blueberries, and the Illinois Extension has a helpful article: “What to Know Before You Grow.” Your local university extension office should have proper information for your specific area.
According to a publication in Food Chemistry, the top four varieties with the highest content of free phenoliccompounds are:
North country (wild blueberry, half-high plant).
Chippewa(compact blueberry bush, a hybrid cross between V. corymbosum and V. angustifolium).
Blomidon(wild blueberry Vaccinium angustifolium).
Northland (stands 4-7 feet tall when mature).
However, check the pH level of your soil before attempting to grow blueberries in your garden. Blueberries need acidic soil and prefer a pH level of 4.8 to 5.2.
You Are What You Eat—The Question of Quality
The motto “You Are What You Eat” points to an important factor often disregarded—the quality of the food we buy. Every time we ingest solids or liquids, we make a choice—especially when eating food with the purpose of improving our health.
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For blueberries, this means to be extra-cautious, as they secured themselves a ranking on the 2023 “Dirty Dozen” list of the Environmental Working Group. “Government tests found 54 different pesticides on blueberries,” and that is not all.
Unfortunately, research revealed that 9 percent of all tested blueberries were contaminated with malathion, a chemical of the group organophosphates, which is toxic to insects and mammals. In fact, the International Agency for Research on Cancer classified the poison that harms the human nervous system as “probably carcinogenic.”
Phosmet is another chemical toxin that was found on 10 percent of tested blueberries. The National Library of Health characterizes it as follows, “Cancer Classification: Suggestive Evidence of Carcinogenicity.”
According to the EWG, some of the tested blueberries showed “traces of up to 17 different pesticides.” For this reason, wash blueberries well and choose organic whenever possible.
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If you cannot afford organic, it is worth noting that the health benefits of fresh produce outweigh the risks posed by pesticides and herbicides.
Proper Storage of Blueberries and a Recipe for Extract
Of course, the fresher the fruit the better. Maybe you find a local grower where you can take advantage of the “Pick-your-own” option farmers increasingly offer.
Blueberries will keep well for up to 10 days after picking.
Wash in cold water before eating or cooking.
Blueberry syrup, juice, puree, and canned fruit all performed differently when researchers tested their preservability and the long-term effects of storage.
A study, published in the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, highlights these effects. Researchers tested the ability of canned blueberries to be kept for a 13-month period and found that the values for “total anthocyanins, total phenolics, and total antioxidant activity,” dropped by “up to 86, 69 and 52% respectively.” Canned blueberry syrup did not perform much better. The decrease was 68 percent and 15 percent respectively in total anthocyanins and total antioxidant activity.
A safe way to preserve summer’s blueberry bounty and anti-cancer properties at least until the next season rolls around is to make homemade blueberry extract.
Homemade Wild Blueberry Extract
Use fresh or frozen berries to make the extract.
Wash fresh berries before processing.
At a ratio of 1:2 of fruit to 30-35 percent alcohol, add the fruit and alcohol to a jar, crushing the fruit with a spoon. (You can also utilize the Barefoot doctor method and use vodka with a 40 percent alcohol content.)
Close jar and shake the mixture daily for 4–6 weeks.
To finish the extract, strain the remaining fruit pieces (mostly skin) out of the concoction.
Fill in amber-colored glass bottles and store in a cool and dark place.
Dosage for the finished extract 40-100 drops 3-4x daily
Alexandra Roach is a board-certified holistic health practitioner, herbalist, and movement teacher who has also worked as a journalist, TV news anchor, and author. She has earned citations from U.S. Army commanders for her work with military personnel and writes with a broad perspective on health.