The Electric Key to Health You May Not Understand

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Health Viewpoints

You are an energetic being. Electric. Once you understand this, a lot of other things start to make sense.

Electricity, as commonly used in devices and homes, is the movement of electrons along a directed course. These electrons move because they carry a negative charge and seek to balance themselves by finding a positively charged proton to pair with.

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Romantics may think of this as the inherent synergy between male and female. The ancient Chinese thought of it as yin and yang.

This pull between electrons and protons is the core mechanism your body relies on for countless functions.

Our mitochondria use this process to create cellular energy, our cells use this process to transfer signals across the cell membrane, and our immune system uses this process to combat possible pathogens. Our nerves use this process to transmit signals throughout the body. Our neurons use this process to fire the spark that is the life energy of the mind.

When positive and negative are matched, there is harmony and stability. Imbalance can create movement, which is also essential, but it can also be dangerous. Inflammation is created through generating positively charged free radicals that help fight pathogens. But if these free radicals are not eventually neutralized by negatively charged antioxidants, they fuel disease.

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Just as the safety and proper function of your home’s electrical system relies on a grounding wire that is dug into the Earth, your body requires this same effect.

That’s because antioxidants aren’t the only way we can get extra electrons.

Earth is a repository of free electrons that can balance out the body. This is why having the body in direct contact with the Earth, called grounding, can reduce chronic inflammation arising from too many free radicals. This is a well-documented scientific finding that some researchers believe should have long since transformed conventional treatments.

“Once health professionals and others realize that grounding is especially important in preventing inflammatory illness, an incredible effect on public health will be realized,” wrote researchers in a paper titled “The effects of grounding (earthing) on inflammation, the immune response, wound healing, and prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases,” published in the Journal of Inflammation Research in 2015.
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Chronic inflammation is considered by many to be the major disease process of our time.

With the advent of indoor life, with our rubber-soled footwear and insulated flooring, we have lost this physical contact with the Earth and the electrons it offered.

If you’d like to learn more about grounding, and what it can do, please read the articles below.

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Matthew Little
Matthew Little
Matthew Little is a senior editor with Epoch Health.
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