It’s hard to move into a new neighborhood let alone make new friends. Luckily for mini goldendoodle Fia, she instantly became friends with her neighbor, a blonde goldendoodle named Pita. The pair now share an inseparable bond.
When Fia’s owners, Nicole and Thai Huynh, moved into a new home in Los Angeles, Fia had to leave behind all her previous doggy friends. However, as soon as the family entered their new house, Pita was there to inspect the property—as dogs love to—but most importantly, to be a friend to Fia as she settled into her new life.

From there, Fia and Pita’s bond blossomed despite their personalities being opposites.
On the other hand, Fia, she noted, “has a lot of spunk and attitude.”

Almost every day, Pita comes over to play with her best friend, Fia.
The Huynhs will often hear Pita knocking on their door with her paw and see her waiting patiently.

Pita has figured out that the Huynhs will show up at the door whenever she knocks. So whenever she hears the sound of their car, she knows they’re home and thus walks to the door, knocks, and comes inside to play.

Not wanting to miss her knocks, the Huynhs have changed the settings on their door camera to include animal movements. So whenever she comes onto their lawn, they get a notification.

One social media user said: “Oh my I’m in love with Pita! Her lil knocks are the cutest.”
Another social media user felt that this was reminiscent of days gone by, writing: “Today’s dogs are living 80’s kids’ childhoods.”