That delicious slice of pizza that you’re eating may come with an invisible side of plastic. Every day, microplastics—tiny plastic fragments that are smaller than a grain of rice—are making their way into our food supply, our water, and, subsequently, our bodies.
You’re Likely Ingesting Microplastics Every Day, Studies Warn
Larger plastics such as shopping bags and water bottles degrade into microplastics over time. Elements such as sunlight and water break down plastics that evade waste management, reducing them to microscopic size. Everyday products such as cosmetics, synthetic fabrics, and single-use plastic bags also shed plastic particles. These tiny plastic fragments travel through water, air, and the food chain until they ultimately enter our bodies.Because many people consume bottled water daily, microplastic exposure is far-reaching.
Research links plastic chemicals, such as phthalates and bisphenols, to conditions such as obesity and diabetes, potentially caused by inflammation and hormone disruption.
Surgery may also introduce microplastics into the bloodstream and organs.
Researchers collected and analyzed blood samples from 15 patients before and after cardiovascular surgery. Nine types of microplastics were found across five tissue types.
How Do Microplastics Affect Health?
These tiny particles contain harmful chemicals such as flame retardants, persistent organic pollutants (POPs), and plasticizers such as BPA, which can disrupt hormones and cause chronic inflammation.Microplastics Can Quickly Infiltrate Cells and Tissues
Microplastics can infiltrate cells within 24 hours of exposure and accumulate near the cell’s nucleus in mice, according to a 2023 International Journal of Molecular Sciences study. The authors discovered that the longer the cells were exposed to microplastics, the more the cells’ viability was reduced.The researchers examined major tissues including the brain, liver, kidney, gastrointestinal tract, heart, spleen, and lungs to see where microplastics accumulate. “Surprisingly,” they wrote, they detected microplastics “in every tissue examined,” as well as in urine and feces.
The study also showed increased inflammatory immune markers such as cytokines and tumor necrosis factor (TNF-alpha) in mice exposed to microplastics.
The Brain’s Battle Against Microplastics
Microplastics can rapidly infiltrate even the most protected organ—the brain—according to a 2023 Austrian study published in Nanomaterials. Researchers gave mice drinking water containing microplastics. The plastic particles migrated into the mice’s brains within just two hours.The microplastics then became enveloped in cholesterol molecules on the brain’s surface. This enabled them to cross the blood-brain barrier, which normally protects the brain from toxins and chemicals.
“The studies in mice are alarming,“ Dr. Palmer said. ”They have demonstrated widespread distribution of microplastics throughout the body, including the brain, within two hours of consumption.
Microplastics Fuel Dementia in Mice
The International Journal of Molecular Sciences study also demonstrated microplastics’ potential neurotoxicity. After just three weeks of exposure, mice developed dementia-like behavioral changes. Older mice exhibited more impaired behaviors than younger ones.Reducing Microplastics in Our Lives
Even though microplastics surround us every day, we can take essential steps to reduce these pervasive plastics in our lives. These include:- Stainless steel water bottles can serve as a sustainable replacement for plastic water bottles.
- Bring canvas or cotton bags to the grocery store.
- Instead of grabbing a coffee in a paper cup at the local café, customers can present their reusable mugs to baristas.
- Because animals, livestock, and some farmed fish are fed feed pellets often containing microplastics, consumers should choose organically raised meat whenever possible.
“You know that you’ll never get it all, but every little bit that you do helps your overall health.”