The Metropolitan Nashville Police Department (MNPD) has reversed course from a previous statement to The Epoch Times, when the agency said the manifesto and writings of Nashville school shooter Audrey Hale would be released to the public soon.
The department cited the advice of legal counsel amid litigation filed this week for those same documents to be released.
On May 1, the Tennessee Firearms Association (TFA) filed a lawsuit against MNPD over a previously denied public records request for the Hale documents to be released. The Epoch Times reached out to TFA regarding the new delay of the release of the documents.
MNPD Statement
An Epoch Times reporter based outside of Tennessee had their request for the same records denied because they were not a Tennessee resident. Another Epoch Times reporter located within Tennessee also received a denial letter from MNPD’s Central Records Division on April 19, citing the investigation still being open.
“Your request is denied based on the following grounds,” the denial letter from MNPD stated. “The following … law prohibits the release of the requested records: Open Cases—Rule 16 of the Tennessee Rules of Criminal Procedure and Tennessean v. Metro. Gov’t of Nashville.”
While MNPD declined to comment on the seeming change in direction from the previous interview with The Epoch Times, the department posted a brief statement on Twitter.
“Covenant investigation update: Due to pending litigation filed this week, the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department has been advised by counsel to hold in abeyance the release of records related to the shooting at The Covenant School pending orders or direction of the court,” MNPD posted on Twitter.
TFA’s Lawsuit
TFA did not comment to The Epoch Times on the pending litigation, but Harris did release a comment to The Tennessean newspaper.TFA filed suit on May 1, alongside former Hamilton County Sheriff James Hammond and Judicial Watch.
“In the lawsuit, the parties ask for a court order to force Metro to turn over certain records as specified in the Petition related to the Covenant School shooting that occurred in March 2023,” TFA wrote in a post on its website.
TFA notes it sought all records concerning the shooter’s manifesto, and separately sought disclosure of “all email communications of MNPD officials regarding the mass shooting committed by Audrey Elizabeth Hale on March 27, 2023, as well as MNPD officials’ text messages regarding the same, and copies of the ‘manifesto’ reported left by Audrey Elizabeth Hale in her vehicle.”

TFA said Hammond submitted another open records request for a wide range of documents including photographs, coroner information, toxicology reports, and video footage from the school. Hammond’s request also included many more topics such as investigative reports, MNPD communications regarding the manifesto, and MNPD communications between the FBI, Department of Justice, and Office of the District Attorney for Nashville regarding designating the “shooting at a Christian School by a self-identified transgender suspect as a ‘hate crime.'”
“Metro has denied all of these open records requests,” TFA said of Hammond’s records requests, according to the TFA website.
The reason given was Rule 16, according to TFA.
TFA added that the individual who was involved in the shooting at The Covenant School “was killed by law enforcement on the day of the event. Metro failed to identify any pending criminal investigation that could even possibly result in criminal charges.”
The lawsuit seeks a court order that MNPD disclose the requested records and pay TFA and others’ attorney fees.
“Many believe that public access to these records is important for a number of reasons including the interest in determining the actual basis for the homicides particularly in light of Governor Bill Lee’s call for a special legislative session to consider his gun control proposal that he has presented in the format of a ‘Red Flag’ law,” TFA wrote.