Tulsi Gabbard Dismisses Jack White’s Criticism of Trump

Tulsi Gabbard Dismisses Jack White’s Criticism of Trump
Former Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard speaks to guests at the Iowa Faith & Freedom Coalition Spring Kick-Off in Clive, Iowa, on April 22, 2023. Scott Olson/Getty Images
Frank Fang

Former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard criticized rock singer Jack White on Saturday over his recent comments on former President Donald Trump.

Ms. Gabbard, a former congresswoman from Hawaii who left the Democrat Party in October last year, alleged that White is showing a double standard of normalization.
“Jack White recently expressed his disdain for anyone who ‘normalizes’ Trump,” Ms Gabbard wrote on Twitter. “In the meantime, what he wants us to do is normalize those in power abusing that power to go after political opponents, using the strong arm of the law as their goon squad.”
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Mr. Trump attended UFC 290 at T-Mobile Arena in Las Vegas on July 8, during which he chatted with actors Mel Gibson and Mark Wahlberg, as well as celebrity chef Guy Fieri.

Days later, Mr. White called out the two actors and the chief “disgusting” for getting friendly with the former president.

“Anybody who ‘normalizes’ or treats this disgusting fascist, racist, con man, disgusting piece of shit Trump with any level of respect is ALSO disgusting in my book,” Mr. White wrote on Instagram. “That’s you Joe Rogan, you Mel Gibson, you Mark Wahlberg, you Guy Fieri. This is a statement from me, not a discussion/debate.”

Since leaving the Democratic Party, Ms. Gabbard has been a strong independent voice, focusing to become “a voice for common sense.”

Recently, during an appearance on Fox News, Ms. Gabbard said she would consider a 2024 White House bid “if there were a way for me to serve the country in that fashion best.”
Ms. Gabbard has voiced support for Trump or his policies multiple times. Last year, she called Manhattan district attorney’s charges against Trump for allegedly falsifying business records were politically motivated.
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“This politicized indictment of former President Donald Trump is unfortunately just the latest example of how the Democrat establishment continues to put their own personal and political interests ahead of the interests of the American people and our country,” she said in a video posted on Twitter. “Make no mistake, this is a despicable and extremely dangerous turning point for our country and our democracy.”
Separately, Trump continues to dominate the GOP primary field, according to the Harvard-Harris poll (pdf) released on July 21.

Trump would pick up the most votes or 52 percent, if the Republican presidential primary were held today. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis finished a distant second with 12 percent, followed by biopharmaceutical entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy with 10 percent of support.

The remaining Republican presidential hopefuls all picked up single-digit support, with former Vice President Mike Pence in fourth place with 7 percent, a three-point lead over former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley.

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In a hypothetical head-to-head matchup, Trump would beat President Joe Biden by a margin of 45 percent to 40 percent, with 16 percent of those polled saying they were undecided.

Meanwhile, Trump held an 18-point lead among independents over Biden, with 45 percent supporting the former president, in a hypothetical 2020 rematch.

In the case that Trump was the Republican nominee and Biden was the Democratic nominee, 57 percent said they would consider a moderate independent candidate.

The poll was conducted for two days ending on July 20 and surveyed 2,068 registered voters. 
Frank Fang
Frank Fang
Frank Fang is a Taiwan-based journalist. He covers U.S., China, and Taiwan news. He holds a master's degree in materials science from Tsinghua University in Taiwan.
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