About 3 billion people worldwide were living with a neurological condition in 2021, according to recent research, revealing a growing global health crisis.
18 Percent Spike in Years Lost Due to Neurological Conditions
Various forms of neurological conditions have become leading causes of poor health and disability globally, with an 18 percent increase in disability-adjusted life years between 1990 and 2021, according to the study published in The Lancet Neurology.The researchers, who were funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, also found a stark disparity: More than 80 percent of neurological deaths and health loss occur in low- and middle-income countries, highlighting unequal access to treatment and care compared to high-income nations.
There is an urgent need for targeted interventions to address this growing neurological burden and ensure those affected have access to quality care, treatment, and rehabilitation, according to Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the director-general of the World Health Organization.
“This study should serve as an urgent call to action to scale up targeted interventions to allow the growing number of people living with neurological conditions to access the quality care, treatment and rehabilitation they need,” he said in a statement.
What’s Driving the Increase in Neurological Conditions?
A complex web of factors drives the growing global burden of brain and nerve disorders.Skyrocketing Diabetic Neuropathy Cases
Data also point to a rapid increase in diabetic neuropathy cases, which have more than tripled globally since 1990 to more than 206 million cases in 2021, in line with the rise in diabetes worldwide, according to the study.Diabetic neuropathy, a condition involving nerve damage more common in the legs and feet, is caused by not only chronic or long-term diabetes but, more frequently, uncontrolled diabetes.
COVID-19 Neurological Impact
The study also highlighted how emerging conditions, such as neurological complications from COVID-19, contributed to the overall burden of neurological disorders.Obesity Contributing to Rise in Nerve Damage: Expert
Rising obesity rates have played a role in the increase of neurological diseases, Dr. Hoang said.Obesity’s main contribution is through its common complications such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes.
“Through these medical problems, the risk of strokes, neuropathy, and other debilitating conditions are increased,” he noted.
Neurological Conditions Show Distinct Age Patterns: Expert
While the study examined a broad sampling of the population, it involved very different neurological conditions depending on the age group affected, Dr. Littell told The Epoch Times.“If you divide it up into populations, clearly the most alarming thing in the population below the age of 10 or 15 is autism,” he said. “Absolutely, bar none, that’s got to be No. 1 in children.”
The Vaccine Connection
Another factor at play contributing to neurological conditions in both age groups is the vaccine connection, Dr. Littell said.“The overwhelming number of vaccines in children and the overwhelming number of vaccines in adults, and especially in the elderly, and whether or not there may be some disruption of the normal developmental pathways in children is a significant issue,” he said.
With more recently developed vaccines, such as the one for COVID-19, Dr. Littell said he has observed an increased incidence of microangiopathy—a condition involving small blood vessel damage in vital organs, including the brain. This was the case regardless of the study findings, which were based on data from before the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine rollout.
The condition can cause very small blood clots (microthromboses) in the brain, which can impair the delivery of oxygen-rich blood to the memory center and other brain regions, he added.
“I think that [the vaccine is] really contributing, in my opinion, to some of the dementia or other degenerative diseases of the brain,” Dr. Littell said.