Photographer Rescues 2 Dogs From the Streets, They Are Now Enjoying Life Traveling to Europe’s Most Scenic Spots

Photographer Rescues 2 Dogs From the Streets, They Are Now Enjoying Life Traveling to Europe’s Most Scenic Spots

A series of stunning photos have captured the amazing lives of two rescued street dogs who now travel with their owner on trips around Europe.

Finn and Yuri were picked up from the streets of Romania by photographer Anne Geier as they had faced abuse and were being held in an animal shelter.

Since being rescued by Ms. Geir they have been traveling to some of Europe’s most spectacular spots in her VW T4 camper van.

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Photographer Ms. Geier with Finn and Yuri. (Courtesy of <a href="">Anne Geier</a>)
Photographer Ms. Geier with Finn and Yuri. Courtesy of Anne Geier

In her latest adventure with the dogs, Ms. Geir spent two weeks touring the mountains and fjords of Norway and documenting the trip with her camera.

The result is a stunning series of beautifully crafted portraits with crystal clear lakes, snow-bound mountain peaks, and foggy forests as a backdrop.

(Courtesy of <a href="">Anne Geier</a>)
Courtesy of Anne Geier

“It’s perfect, we can go wherever we want and whenever we want,“ Ms. Geier, who lives in Tauplitz, Austria, when she isn’t traveling in her van, said. ”We are totally free and flexible and not bound by any accommodation.”

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She said the dogs love the van as it feels like their home.

“This way of travel is different,” Ms. Geir said. “I think moving from hotel to hotel every few days would be too stressful.”

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She said that as a group they have been to quite a few places such as South Tirol, Switzerland, Italy, and Germany—and they have also been on some short trips in their home country, Austria.

Finn, a fox terrier/Labrador cross, was adopted by Ms. Geir in 2014 and was joined by Yuri—an Australian cattle dog/border collie cross—in 2017.

Yuri before Ms. Geier rescued him. (SWNS)
Yuri before Ms. Geier rescued him. SWNS
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Meanwhile, Yuri was being held in a shelter after living on the street for three years. He had been abused and neglected before Ms. Geir decided to give him a second chance.

According to Ms. Geir, Yuri is a really lovely dog, but he takes a little time to trust people as he’s had bad experiences with humans in the past.

Ms. Geir has noticed that when someone gets angry with Yuri, he is afraid that something bad will happen.

(Courtesy of <a href="">Anne Geier</a>)
Courtesy of Anne Geier
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Finn is a calm anchor to both Ms. Geir and Yuri. Since Yuri has a lot of energy, there are times when just being in Finn’s presence helps to keep him calm.

“They supplement each other perfectly,” Ms. Geir said.

Finn, a fox terrier/Labrador cross. (Courtesy of <a href="">Anne Geier</a>)
Finn, a fox terrier/Labrador cross. Courtesy of Anne Geier
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Finn (Courtesy of <a href="">Anne Geier</a>)
Finn Courtesy of Anne Geier
(Courtesy of <a href="">Anne Geier</a>)
Courtesy of Anne Geier
Epoch Times Staff contributed to this report. 
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