In Part 2, we present documented evidence of non-fatal but severe injuries in children who were healthy and lost their ability to live normally after receiving the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine—believed to be one of the most effective vaccines developed to date.
Gardasil was launched in the United States, Germany, and Denmark in 2006 and in Australia in 2007.
‘Our Paula Is Gone’
Paula Aldea was a normal, healthy young girl. Since taking the HPV vaccine, she can no longer walk and now relies on a wheelchair. “Our Paula is gone,” her father said.The pain in her back became unbearable, and then her back went numb. Paula and her father went straight to the emergency room and after some chiropractic exercises, she was told she'd be fine in a few hours and was sent home. At 3:00 p.m. her mother called her father and said, “Come home immediately. Paula doesn’t feel anything from her body anymore.”
“There was this pain. I think it was the worst pain I’ve ever had. And then this numbness—you just don’t realize it. You can’t walk, but you don’t think about it: What will the future be like? What will it be like now? Even when they said I had to stay in the hospital, I thought why?” said Paula.
Paula’s mother recalls, “When Paula was lying in her bed, the senior physician came and asked if she had had an infection recently. And we could deny that. She had neither a stomach bug nor a flu-like infection. Paula was always very healthy.”
“The next question was whether she had been vaccinated. And there it clicked—yes, she has been vaccinated. Everywhere we went to doctors, the second or third question was, ‘Did you have a vaccination recently?’” her mother said.
The damage has been officially recognized by authorities as caused by the HPV vaccine. Paula receives a monthly payment from welfare. Her inability to walk is likely caused by the severe attack of immune cells on the myelin layer of the spinal cord, which is an autoimmune response.
Paula is not a single case—she may even be the tip of the iceberg. There are numerous cases of disabilities, including an inability to walk or to see, following Gardasil injection.

A 16-Year-Old American Girl Now Blind
In 2010, Dr. Frances DiMario Jr. from the pediatrics department at Connecticut Children’s Medical Center in Hartford, Connecticut, along with Drs. Mirna Hajjar and Thomas Ciesielski from the neurology department at Hartford Hospital, reported a case with a similar level of severity after HPV vaccination, in the Journal of Child Neurology.
A brain scan using magnetic resonance imaging revealed inflammation and swelling in the part of the brain where the optic nerves cross. It also affected the optic nerves behind the eyes. There was a mass in the right back part of the brain, which was later found to be a specific type of brain inflammation. This inflammation caused a large area around it to fill with fluid. To learn more about the brain mass, a small piece was removed and observed under a microscope, which showed that it had lost its protective myelin sheath covering.
The girl was diagnosed with demyelinated disease of the optic nerve junction and some parts of the brain. Her optic nerve injury was not minor but rather significant, which explains the rapid onset of vision loss from one eye to another within 48 hours.
A 20-Year-Old German Woman With Severe Brain Disease
A 20-year-old woman who developed headache, nausea, vomiting, and diplopia (double vision), was diagnosed with severe encephalitis evolving within 28 days of the second immunization with Gardasil. This case was reported in the journal Neurology in 2009, an official journal of the American Academy of Neurology.
The case was reported by five neurological experts from the University of Heidelberg, Germany. They concluded in the paper that her dramatic nervous system symptoms with consistent brain imaging abnormalities, including edema and bleeding, altogether suggest a severe and rapidly progressing form of brain disease, termed “acute disseminated encephalomyelitis.”
The main feature of this disease is the loss of the protective covering around the brain nerve cells due to an immune attack.
5 Australian Women With Demyelinating Nerve Syndromes
Five patients who presented with multifocal or atypical demyelinating syndromes within 21 days of immunization with the quadrivalent HPV vaccine, Gardasil, were reported in 2009 in the Multiple Sclerosis Journal.
The lead author, Dr. Sutton, an Australian neurologist wrote, “Although the target population for vaccination, young females, has an inherently high risk for MS, the temporal association with demyelinating events in these cases may be explained by the potent immuno-stimulatory properties of HPV virus-like particles which comprise the vaccine.”
Mehlsen Study on HPV Vaccine-Induced Nervous System Injury
These documented cases above have a common pattern in previously healthy young females who received the Gardasil vaccine. They had severe nervous system symptoms emerging after the second dose, which often progressed rapidly. Most of them have been diagnosed with demyelinating diseases, despite varying outward symptoms.Demyelinating neuronal diseases are conditions where the protective covering around nerve fibers is damaged and causes problems with nerve signals, leading to symptoms like weakness, numbness, and coordination difficulties.
We rely on our nerves to do everything from walking to seeing, and even changing our gestures. For example, when we stand up from a lying position, our autonomic nervous system is stimulated to produce changes in blood pressure, heart rate, sweating, and blood flow to the brain. When these changes are abnormal, they may indicate an autonomic nervous system problem.
Dr. Mehlsen has worked both clinically and in research with patients with suspected side effects associated with the HPV vaccination. Their symptoms are common to those seen in chronic fatigue syndrome (myalgic encephalomyelitis).
“It started out in 2011 when we got the first few patients with strange symptoms, which was fainting, high heart rate when they were standing, and a lot of other symptoms. Then in 2015, it really increased, and since then we have had about 800 patients referred for possible side effects, and we’ve been intensively studying this.
For a tilt test, a patient lies on a table that is slowly tilted upward, while blood pressure and heart rate are measured to analyze autonomic nervous system responses to the force of gravity with changes in position.
All 53 patients had symptoms consistent with pronounced autonomic nervous system dysfunction, with varying degrees of orthostatic intolerance, excessive fatigue, severe headache, cognitive impairment, gastrointestinal discomfort, and extensive neuropathic pain. Dr. Mehlsen’s findings suggested an urgent need for additional research to clarify the pathophysiology of symptoms.
Marika: Can’t Stand Without Fainting
A young girl named Marika was diagnosed with postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) by Dr. Mehlsen, as reported in the “Under the Skin” HPV documentary.“It started in 2009 when I got the first vaccination shot. I had a lot of headaches and fevers. I couldn’t stand up without getting really sick, so I had to lay down for a couple of weeks and then I got better. And then I got the second shot and everything happened again.
“And I got better. And then after the third shot I just never got better.
“My parents took me to a lot of doctors all around the area of Copenhagen, and they did a lot of scans of my back and bloodwork and lung function tests and looked at my heart. Everybody told me that I wasn’t sick—that there was nothing wrong with me, and I should just go home—which was hard because I couldn’t just go home and be a normal kid.
He explained the tilt test: “If you stand up, normally we will get a sharp increase in heart rate, and then we'll come down to about 10 beats higher than when you lie down. But in this case, it stays up there.”
“You can see the difference between this blood pressure and then what the normal blood pressure should be like, and this is nothing you can have in your head. This is not something you can think: ‘Now I want my blood pressure to oscillate.’ That’s an objective measure of a disease,” Dr. Mehlsen said.
Dr. Mehlsen suspects that Marika’s immune system has attacked her own nerves—an autoimmune reaction possibly triggered by the vaccine.
“After so many people are telling me that it’s something I’m imagining and I’m not sick, someone is finally telling me that that it is a disease—it is real—and I’ve been sick all these years. But now hopefully that’s a way out in the future,” said Marika.

Large Studies Confirm Gardasil Linked to POTS or Syncope
Our autonomic nervous system regulates essential bodily processes beyond conscious control, such as blood pressure and pulse rate. Disorders in this system can lead to fainting, syncope (sudden blood pressure drop), or POTS, which can result in head injuries.POTS involves a rapid heartbeat upon standing and is a nervous system dysfunction, sometimes similar to syncope.
Elizabeth: ‘Almost An Invalid’
A 15-year-old girl Elizabeth B., was a happy healthy girl prior to receiving HPV vaccines. Since her second HPV vaccination, she has been suffering from fatigue, chronic pain, and fainting.According to her mother, “She was just a normal 12-year-old girl being very happy about her life—had lots of energy. She always told me ‘Mama, I love my life.’ But now she’s extremely tired. No energy and not eager to do something. And she has been lying in bed for three years now. So it’s very sad. Very sad to see your healthy daughter being almost an invalid.”

Sara: Headaches for 15 Days Per Month
Sara Schmidt was involved in a class action lawsuit regarding the HPV vaccination.“I have always been a cheerful person, I was active in sports. I had my circle of friends and was with them. And the vaccination came and I was out of order. I couldn’t do anything anymore and I was just lying in bed at home. In general, my brain is not able to absorb all the impressions that are happening around me. The faster I move or something moves around me, the dizzier I get,” said Sara.
“I have atypical migraines, which means that there are more than 15 days of pain per month. When I have a migraine, I have migraine headaches for at least three days in a row. I have tried different types of relaxation techniques and yoga was my favorite. I think if I didn’t do that, I would surely have migraines more often.”
Sarah’s disease was officially acknowledged and she now receives a small monthly payment.

Tessa: Diagnosed With Type 1 Diabetes
Tessa Kraussnig was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes after receiving the HPV vaccine. At 11 years old, Tessa was vaccinated with Gardasil 9 during a school vaccination campaign. Initially, she was hesitant to take the vaccine, until the doctor asked her, “Do you want to be vaccinated or die?”
HPV Vaccine Linked to Autoimmune Disorders
The common underlying mechanisms of HPV vaccine-related injuries are autoimmune disorders. Studies in several European countries have found associations between HPV vaccination and autoimmune conditions.- Pemphigus vulgaris: Causes blisters on the skin and mucosal surfaces, nearly nine times more common within 179 days post-vaccination.
- Encephalitis, myelitis, or encephalomyelitis: Occurred 4.27 times more often at least 180 days after HPV vaccination.
- Addison’s disease: A rare but life-threatening condition, with a rate 2.25 times higher at least 180 days after vaccination.
- Lupus erythematosus: A multisystemic autoimmune disease involving the skin, nerves, or kidneys, 1.7 times more common anytime after HPV vaccination.
- Celiac disease: A gastrointestinal autoimmune disorder, 1.56 times more common at any time after HPV vaccination.
- Raynaud’s disease: Occurred 1.46 times more often anytime after HPV vaccination.
- Hashimoto’s thyroiditis: An autoimmune thyroid disease, 1.42 times more common at least 180 days post-vaccination.
Alarming Surge of Patients Post-Gardasil Launch
Following Gardasil’s U.S. launch in 2006, a study analyzing adverse events from 2006 to 2009 revealed alarming statistics compared to meningococcal vaccination:- 26.5 times more disability events.
- 12.5 times more hospitalizations.
- 10 times more life-threatening events.
- 8.5 times more emergency department visits.
◇ References
Arnheim-DahlstrÃm L, Pasternak B, SvanstrÃm H, SparÃn P, Hviid A. Autoimmune, neurological, and venous thromboembolic adverse events after immunisation of adolescent girls with quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccine in Denmark and Sweden: cohort study BMJ 2013; 347 :f5906 doi:10.1136/bmj.f5906.DiMario, FJ, Hajjar, M., & Ciesielski, T. (2010). A 16-Year-Old Girl With Bilateral Visual Loss and Left Hemiparesis Following an Immunization Against Human Papilloma Virus. Journal of Child Neurology.
Slade BA, Leidel L, Vellozzi C, et al. Postlicensure Safety Surveillance for Quadrivalent Human Papillomavirus Recombinant Vaccine. JAMA. 2009;302(7):750–757. doi:10.1001/jama.2009.1201
B. Wildemann, S. Jarius, M. Hartmann, J. U. Regula, C. Hametner. ACUTE DISSEMINATED ENCEPHALOMYELITIS FOLLOWING VACCINATION AGAINST HUMAN PAPILLOMA VIRUS. Neurology Jun 2009, 72 (24) 2132-2133; DOI: 10.1212/WNL.0b013e3181aa53bb