The COVID Booster Cancer Time Bomb

The COVID Booster Cancer Time Bomb
Angus Dalgleish
None of these patients of mine presented with the classic prodrome of relapse that I had always noticed previously, such as severe depression due to bereavement, divorce, or bankruptcy. Indeed the only thing I found they had in common was to have had a recent mRNA COVID-19 booster shot.
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I phoned several of my colleagues not only in the UK but also in Australia to check their experience. In no case did they deny such a link. Indeed, they were equally alarmed at the association between booster vaccines and relapse that they, too, were witnessing, as well as an increase in new cancers, particularly in those below 50 years old. In addition to melanoma, these colleagues were also very concerned about a sudden, big increase in young patients with colorectal cancer.

Rather than instigating a proper inquiry to investigate this when we raised these concerns, the medical authorities told us that all of what we were witnessing was a coincidence, that we had to prove it and, above all, not to upset our patients.

Recently, the American Cancer Society (ACS) warned of a surge in new cancer cases in the United States this past year of more than 2 million, with many of these cases occurring in younger patients. Indeed, the chief scientific officer of the ACS, William Dahat, announced in addition that cancers were presenting with more aggressive disease and larger tumors at the time of diagnosis, especially in younger patients. Of further interest, it noted a difference in the microbiome (the community of microorganisms such as fungi, bacteria, and viruses that exist in a different environment) between patients younger than 50 and those older than 50.
This surge mirrors a report from Phinance Technologies late last year that analyzed in detail data from the UK Office for National Statistics, which showed that disability and deaths in 2021 and 2022 had increased dramatically in all age groups, but especially in the 15–44 age group.
The Lancet also published an article before Christmas reporting excess deaths post-COVID-19 pandemic to be 11 percent more than expected for under-25s and for 25- to 49-year-olds and 15 percent more than expected for 50- to 64-year-olds. This is in fact the pattern found in many countries that have looked at the data. Germany, for example, reported that excess deaths rose to 24 percent in 2023 from 7 percent in 2020.
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What makes this all the more surprising is that negative deaths should be the norm after a pandemic, as you cannot die twice!

The link between COVID-19 vaccines and myocarditis and early death particularly in the young, highlighted by Peter McCullough and colleagues as well as by Aseem Malhotra in the UK, is incontestable. Now, we have a confirmatory report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States, data that the authorities in the UK have refused to act on so as not to alarm vaccinated patients!

Although it is obvious that these excess deaths are real and are continuing to rise, all we get from British Chief Medical Officer Sir Chris Whitty are risible attempts to explain away the increase, such as that it is a result of patients not getting their statins in lockdown (hey, patients under 55 do not get statins routinely!) The situation is no better in the United States, where Harvard researchers have put the blame on sleep disturbance!

The first obvious candidate is the lockdown itself, during which the UK National Health Service became the National COVID Service and all screening was canceled or delayed, resulting in an increase in cancer detection and late presentation. Many negative lifestyle factors almost certainly increased as a result of the lockdown, such as a lack of exercise and too much food, especially takeaways.

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What very few of these reviews consider is that this rise in excess deaths could be a result of the booster vaccine program, even it clearly follows the vaccine rollout program starting in 2021 and increasing in 2022 and 2023.

With regard to the link to cancer, there are numerous reports in the literature of cancers arising within days of the vaccines being administered, especially in the case of lymphomas and leukemias. There are several reports of PET scan-mapped tumors exploding at the site and draining area of COVID-19 injections with the advice to inject COVID-19 vaccines away from known cancers! Outside my clinical observations, several friends have developed cancer after a totally unnecessary COVID-19 booster taken only to facilitate travel.

For a possible association between a booster vaccine and the appearance of cancer, we need a plausible scientific causal explanation. Unfortunately for those who still insist that these cases are mere coincidences, there are several compelling ones to choose from:

Firstly, it has been reported that T-cell responses are suppressed after the boosters (not the first two injections) and that this is especially marked in some cancer patients.
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Secondly, the antibody repertoire switches after the first booster from a protective IgG1 and IgG3 dominant B cell response to a tolerizing IgG4 one, made worse by further boosters, as reported in a recent Science Immunology paper. As many cancers are controlled by effective T-cell-led immunity, the sudden perturbation of this control would clearly explain the development of B cell leukemia and lymphomas, melanoma renal cell cancers, and colorectal ones, all tumors that can respond to immunotherapy.
Another report by Loacker et al. in Clin Chem Lab Med shows that mRNA vaccines increase PD-L1 on granulocytes and monocytes, which means they effect the very opposite of what the immunotherapy agents do against these tumors, which in turn explains why many of these tumors appear to be resistant to this otherwise effective therapy. Taken together, the effect on the immune response of these boosters can easily explain the relapses and so-called turbo-charged cancers appearing.
Other reports document the presence of DNA plasmids and SV 40 (a known cancer-inducing gene) sequences, as well as the ability of mRNA to bind to important suppressor genes. Although this is controversial and has been challenged, it has led to the realization of significant batch-to-batch variation that could enhance the cancer process yet probably not manifest itself for a few years. The very possibility that we could be sitting on a vaccine-inducing cancer time bomb means that we must never again get involved in a mass vaccine program for another possible Disease X.
But unless the government wakes up to this now, we will be at the mercy of the World Health Organization doing the very same thing when they decide to release the Disease X virus in order to take back control and destroy our lives all over again.
Originally published by The Conservative Woman.
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Angus Dalgleish
Angus Dalgleish
Angus Dalgleish is an expert in immunology and Professor of Oncology at St George's Hospital Medical School, London.
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