The top U.S. public health agency labeled multiple news articles as misinformation even though the articles were accurate, according to internal emails and experts.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) added the misinformation labels to articles from The Epoch Times in widely-circulated internal messages, according to copies obtained by The Epoch Times.
An internal CDC email said that the study “has been picked up by anti-vax proponents as evidence that vax was more likely to cause myocarditis than COVID-19 infection,” and provided a hyperlink to The Epoch Times article.
The Feb. 7, 2023, email listed the article under “points of confusion/potential rumors/misinformation.”
The CDC did not list any data or other information supporting its label.
Another CDC email claimed a story reporting on how the U.S. government was receiving royalty payments from Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine was inaccurate or misleading.
“Anti-vax proponents question Moderna’s new patent agreement with NIAID, citing catch up payments and royalties as a ‘conflict of interest,” the CDC email, dated March 1, 2023, stated.
The Epoch Times article quoted Dr. Lawrence Tabak, the director at the time of the NIAID’s parent agency, as admitting royalty payments in general present “an appearance of a conflict of interest.”
“It is certainly interesting that, confronted with possible ethics concerns, the CDC doesn’t address them but dismisses them as ‘misinformation,'” Michael Chamberlain, director of the nonprofit Protect the Public’s Trust, told The Epoch Times via email.
“The information contained in these documents illustrates how federal health officials so rapidly squandered the trust of the American public, and it shows the danger of government setting itself up as an arbiter of truth,” Mr. Chamberlain said. “The agency is quick to slap a derogatory label on any statements that don’t fit its preferred narrative, and just as quick to impugn the motives of anyone who dares make those statements. This is not government working for the people, it is government as adversary to the people.”
More on Emails
The emails were circulated to more than 150 people in the CDC and the HHS.They were sent by Emily Matthews, a contractor acting on behalf of the CDC’s Research & Evaluation Team.
Ms. Matthews and Mr. Bernatzky did not respond to inquiries. The CDC declined to comment.
“I know this has come up previously around CDC’s rapid response capabilities/strategies to address misinformation,” another CDC official wrote, as Mr. Bernatzky’s concerns were distributed within the agency.
“I feel like this needs to be its own special report ... and we could highlight what themes/topics are these ant-vax [sic] topics covering,” another official said, adding later that he could see the U.S. Department of Homeland Security “having opinions on this.”
The emails were obtained under the Freedom of Information Act. Large portions are redacted.