An 81-year-old who has been clearing snowy sidewalks in his neighborhood for over 20 years refuses to accept cash donations, insisting he loves the snow and helping his neighbors.
Jimmie Sinatra grew up in Lakewood, Ohio, and bought a house with his wife in the area in 1995. That same year, he invested in his first snowblower. Soon, he upgraded to a Craftsman snowblower that he can walk behind and has been maintaining the prized apparatus ever since.
“I just like snow,” Mr. Sinatra told The Epoch Times. “I love playing in snow, walking, taking my dog for a walk in the snow, and I decided to do a couple of neighbors’ sidewalks. Then, when my wife and I talked about getting a bigger snowblower, I decided to go all the way up the block.”
Currently, Mr. Sinatra clears snow from about 34 sidewalks, and if there happens to be a school at the end of each block, he helps there too as he hates seeing kids walking in the snow.

Mr. Sinatra clears the streets when the snow reaches 5 or 6 inches deep. Initially, only his immediate neighbors knew that he was helping clear snow for the neighborhood, and those living further down the street had no idea about it. However, over the years, a couple of people have noticed his handiwork and have asked if he could clear their driveways, too.
“I don’t ask for money, I don’t ask for anything, I just do it to help the neighbors,” Mr. Sinatra said. “It’s something for me to do. I enjoy it, that’s all. I enjoy helping people.”
His most treasured reward for his hard work is when neighbors bring him meals at Easter since he doesn’t cook.
Before retiring in July 1998, Mr. Sinatra worked in the material handling department of the Ford Motor Company in Burke, Ohio, for 33 years. His beloved wife encouraged his snowblowing hobby until she passed away four years ago from Lou Gehrig’s disease.
“That’s the way she was too, helping our neighbors out,” said Mr. Sinatra, who has become a religious man since his wife fell ill. “I changed my ways and just prayed every day and every night,” he said. “I think I used to take everything for granted, but I don’t anymore because it’s all in God’s hands. ... I know my wife’s spirit is in the house with me, and that’s what I live for.”

For his incredible work, Mr. Sinatra has earned himself the nicknames “Snow Hero” and “Snowman” from his neighbors, but prefers to go by “Jimmie.”
In his highlights of the most memorable snow days, Mr. Sinatra recalls Valentine’s Day in 2014, when the snow was higher than his knees.
Those who know about his work are appreciative of his efforts to help clear the snow in the neighborhood.
At the age of 81, Mr. Sinatra has his own health problems. In May 2023 he was diagnosed with stage four chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and emphysema in both lungs. He has trouble breathing so he wears a scarf to keep warm and carries an inhaler when he leaves the house to clear snow.

He has a 53-year-old daughter and a 50-year-old son, who support his hobby and the help he provides to the neighborhood but insist that he takes care of himself. The octogenarian, who also has two grandchildren and three great-grandchildren, says he will blow snow “as long as God loves me!”
And, when he can no longer continue, he hopes that someone will take over and continue to clear the snow on the sidewalks and driveways of people who can’t do it.
“I have a lot of nice neighbors, and they take care of me and watch out for me, check up on me and make sure I’m okay because I’m by myself now,” said Mr. Sinatra, imploring: “If you see somebody that needs help, no matter what it is, give them a helping hand and don’t be afraid to do it. Just help your neighbors and your fellow man out.”