The Bible Collection: Esther

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Esther risked everything to save God’s people.

DVDs: The Bible Collection: Paul the Apostle and The Bible Collection: The Apocalypse

King Ahasuerus, the King of Persia, cast out Queen Vashti and took young Esther as his new queen and wife. Haman, the man that had just been promoted to the position of principal minister, put into motion a devious plot to have all of the Jewish people living in the land killed. But, what the king had not realized was that his new wife, Esther, was herself a Jewish woman! With brave determination, Queen Esther made an appeal to the king to stop the royal decree, and in doing so, exposed Haman as the man behind the plot, and secured the king’s pardon for her people. Watch as God worked mightily in Queen Esther to deliver His people in this free online event!

Prayerfully consider making a donation to RevelationMedia and receive two FREE DVDs: The Apocalypse and Paul the Apostle from The Bible Collection. These incredible award-winning films delve into Scriptural history, and reveal the events in God’s Word. Watch with your family and see the Biblical characters come to life, and support the ongoing efforts of RevelationMedia to provide families in the US and missionaries around the world with quality Christian content.

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DVDs: The Bible Collection: Paul the Apostle and The Bible Collection: The Apocalypse

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