Adorable Dog Changes From Black to White Over 2 Years—the Owner Explains Why: PHOTOS

Adorable Dog Changes From Black to White Over 2 Years—the Owner Explains Why: PHOTOS
Courtesy of Matt Smith
Anna Mason

At first glance, pictures of an all-over black dog turning completely white look like a clever Photoshop trick. But in reality, adorable 4-year-old Buster has vitiligo—the same rare condition famously said to have affected the King of Pop, Michael Jackson.

When Oklahoma-based owner Matt Smith, who goes by the name TallyMatty on Reddit, shared photos of how his pet dog had changed from all black to pure white over a two-and-a-half-year period, users could not believe the transformation.
(Left) Buster in November 2021. (Right) After his complete transformation in April 2024. (Courtesy of Matt Smith)
(Left) Buster in November 2021. (Right) After his complete transformation in April 2024. Courtesy of Matt Smith
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“My boy Buster [4-year-old] has completely changed from black to white over the course of the last 2.5 years,” wrote Mr. Smith.

He posted several photos starting from August 2022 showing the gradual change in his dog’s appearance. First, he noticed white patches near Buster’s mouth and chin. In time, the condition—which causes patches of skin, hair, and fur to lose pigment—began spreading all over his body. The process entailed black fur falling out, Mr. Smith explained, leaving his dog bald in parts before new, fluffy white fur grew in.

Mr. Smith’s post went viral, attracting a stream of comments.

“Wow! This is the most fascinating thing I’ve seen on Reddit in ages,” said one.

While another commented: “That’s wild. I never heard of this. He’s a good-looking boy, anyhow.”

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Buster in August 2022. (Courtesy of Matt Smith)
Buster in August 2022. Courtesy of Matt Smith
November 2022. (Courtesy of Matt Smith)
November 2022. Courtesy of Matt Smith
In May 2023. (Courtesy of Matt Smith)
In May 2023. Courtesy of Matt Smith
Wag!, an American pet care company, advises that while depigmented areas may look unsettling to pet owners, they’re generally nothing to worry about.
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“Many pet parents take great pride in the condition of their dog’s coat, so if they suddenly notice large patches of it losing its natural color—especially at a young age—they can be forgiven for being alarmed,” it says.“Vitiligo is often the explanation for this drastic change in a canine’s appearance. While the condition is certainly uncommon, the good news is that it’s rarely a sign of anything serious happening inside their body.”

The condition is extremely unusual, though. According to, which cited images of Rowdy the black labrador with white circles around his eyes to illustrate a famous case, vitiligo is “incredibly rare, affecting less than 1 percent of dogs.”
June 2023. (Courtesy of Matt Smith)
June 2023. Courtesy of Matt Smith
August 2023 (Courtesy of Matt Smith)
August 2023 Courtesy of Matt Smith
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Buster in October 2023. (Courtesy of Matt Smith)
Buster in October 2023. Courtesy of Matt Smith

A few Reddit users shared their own experiences with vitiligo. Reddit user BacardiBlue posted a picture of their formerly “100 percent jet black” cat with vitiligo, who started turning white at all of his extremities: from the “tip of his nose, tips of his ears, nose, and tail” before the depigmentation spread further.

“It was amazing to watch the transformation for the 7 years that I had him, and my vet was absolutely fascinated,” the user remarked.

Meanwhile, another user said that their neighbor’s horse, which started out as a bay and ended up looking like a palomino, had the same condition.

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Many people couldn’t help but draw comparisons with the famous vitiligo-suffering singer, with comments such as:

“I’m barking at the dog in the mirror,” and, “What a beautiful dog. Don’t matter if he’s black or white. Now you’re singing that song too.”

One Reddit user simply said: “If you hadn’t shown the transition, I never would have believed it.”

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Anna Mason
Anna Mason
Anna Mason is a writer based in England. She majored in literature and specializes in human interest, travel, lifestyle and content marketing. Anna enjoys storytelling, adventures, the Balearic sunshine and the Yorkshire rain.
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