Elma Godwin, a 33-year-old media content producer from Dallas, Texas, was overwhelmed with joy and disbelief when she first laid eyes on her newborn daughter, Aninoritse Bridget-Chimereya Ludart. Born on Sept. 13, “Ani” arrived with a rare white streak in her hair—the very same stripe her mother has had since birth.
The unique trait, a mark of their shared genetic condition, called piebaldism, immediately captured the attention of everyone in the delivery room, from nurses to doctors.
Piebaldism is a rare genetic condition affecting melanin production, resulting in patches of unpigmented skin and hair.
For Godwin, this condition has meant living with a distinctive white streak that starts from her hairline and runs through her dark hair. While this mark has become a defining part of her identity, she always assumed she would be the only one in her family with it.

Her older daughter, Ari, now 2, was born without the condition. Thus, when Ani arrived with a matching white streak, it was a great surprise for Godwin and her husband, Misan Ludart, 35, who owns an interior design firm.
“When they placed her on my chest, I was the first to see it,” Godwin said. “I couldn’t believe it—her hair had the exact same white streak as mine, in the exact same spot.”
Growing up, Godwin felt she was the only one in the whole world with this condition. It wasn’t until she was 24 that she discovered others with piebaldism through social media.
“It was such a relief to know I wasn’t alone,” she said.
Finding this connection with others helped her embrace her condition. Today, she is an advocate for embracing differences, especially for young women with piebaldism.

Godwin has since used her platform to encourage young women and girls to celebrate their unique traits.
“Seeing other people on social media with the same condition helped me accept it, and it inspired younger girls, too. I always tell them it’s something to be proud of,” she said.
Ludart was equally moved by the arrival of their daughter and the trait she shares with her mother.
“My wife noticed baby Ani’s hair while I was still beaming from cutting the umbilical cord! I was so grateful for a safe delivery, and seeing her hair was an amazing bonus gift,” he said.