‘If You Have a God, You Need to Get Right With Him’

“My Healing Journey” is a special series of stories written by people who found unconventional paths to wellness when they had nowhere else to turn.
Kathy Bretón and her six-month-old daughter, prior to their hospital experience. Photo courtesy of Kathy Bretón
Hello, my name is Kathy Bretón. I’m 79 years old and a member of Heritage Church of Sterling Heights, in Michigan—an amazing statement for someone with a past like mine. My thanks to you for reading this story of a transformed life.
Raised in the Grace Methodist church as a young child, I should have heard about the things God had done through His son, Jesus Christ, but I listened without really hearing His story.
Consequently, at the age of twenty-four, I found myself out of university after five years of music training, confused by the “art for art’s sake” lifestyle. I felt empty, hollow, and without goals.
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Looking to fill the voids, I was drawn to join a demon worship cult. Yes—a far Eastern cult to attain demonic powers. I married a man considered to possess those powers. The head of this Indonesian cult had great control over the cult members and their marriage partners. We were cut off from family, past friends, and all external organizations.
However, I broke the rules and invited my parents to our wedding—and they attended out of pure love. At the age of twenty-seven, again craving the loving support of family, I sought and was granted permission from my husband to visit my parents for Thanksgiving. I wanted them to see our 8-month-old daughter and I was already pregnant again—this time with a baby boy. While visiting, I had symptoms of a miscarriage and was taken to a hospital close to my parent’s home, where they treated me with massive doses of hormones to prevent the miscarriage and discharged me. My husband had been called back to work before my discharge so I had a five-hour bus ride, with our baby daughter in tow, from the hospital near my parents’ home back to our home. By the time I got there, I was experiencing deep pain in my chest and back and was admitted to our local hospital, where they found that my lungs, arms, legs, and torso were filled with blood clots.
While I was in critical care awaiting emergency heart catheterization the hospital’s head nurse asked me to sign a form acknowledging that the hospital was not responsible for the treatment that had caused my “impending death.” As I signed it she said, “I don’t want you to die—I want you to fight. But it is my duty to tell you that if you have a God, you need to get right with him because we don’t expect you to live until morning.”
Recent photo of Kathy Bretón. (Photo courtesy of Kathy Bretón)
Recent photo of Kathy Bretón. Photo courtesy of Kathy Bretón
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Still in pain, but alert because no meds could be given that could suppress my cough reflex, I considered the state of my eternal soul and was overwhelmed by the presence of Jesus. Unconditional love poured over my head flowing down to my toes. Irresistible love, acceptance, and forgiveness flooded me. Sorrow and shame exploded within my heart for my sinful being. I told Him my sorrow—realizing my sins against Him. I told Him that whether I lived or died, I only wanted to be with Him. If I died, I said, “I trust You to raise my daughter to know You.” Five weeks later, I was discharged from the hospital. The second day I was home, the new Pastor of the church on the corner and his deacon knocked on my door. They showed me Bible scriptures about how God loved me enough to send His Son to make way for a sinner. That day, I called on the most powerful name of Jesus Christ to seal my eternal life with Him. I was born of His Grace and His Mercy—a second time—by accepting His Son Jesus Christ. God gave me a new heart and soul through the power of the Holy Spirit that now lives within me.
Sadly, in the course of treatment that saved my life, my unborn son died. I miscarried him later after being released from the hospital. But, I began to sing again, as I did as a child. Jesus gave me a new song and allowed me to sing before His people for the next 35 years. My husband left us when my daughter was eight years old. I taught music in Christian schools and sang in four different churches and for many conferences. I dedicated my life to Jesus and my family. So many opportunities have been brought my way to bring the good news of Jesus to people in song. Please believe me, God, the Father, is ALWAYS good.
By Kathy R. Bretón
If you were inspired by this healing story and would like to share your own please submit it here.
Healing Stories
Healing Stories
“My Healing Journey” is a special series of stories written by people who found unconventional paths to wellness when they had nowhere else to turn. If you would like to submit your own healing story to inspire and share with others, please submit to the website link below.
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