Epoch Booklist: Recommended Reading for Jan. 31–Feb. 6

Epoch Booklist: Recommended Reading for Jan. 31–Feb. 6
Dustin Bass
Jeff Minick
Barbara Danza
This week, we feature a thought-provoking intellectual dissection of Old Testament tales from well-known psychologist Jordan Peterson, and a seasonally applicable children’s story about a bumper crop of snow.


By Jordan Peterson

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Through his podcasts and his book “12 Rules for Life,” this psychologist and now public intellectual has influenced millions. In this analysis of Old Testament stories, he explores figures like Adam and Eve, Moses, and the prophet Elijah. Then he examines their current-day significance and our perceptions of the divine. Packed full of insights gleaned from both ancient and modern sources, and threaded throughout with original thinking, this book issues a singular challenge: Dare to wrestle with God.

Portfolio, 2024, 576 pages


By Ben Gazur

Food occupies a central portion of our daily lives. It also informs part of our folklore and culture. This book presents stories, superstitions, and traditions of British food and its folkways. Filled with anecdotes, from potatoes being a considered a cure for rheumatism to events like bun tosses and cake rolls at different holidays and events, it covers many curious customs and traditions. It’s a lively account of food’s interaction with British society.

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Unbound, 2024, 256 pages


By E. Somerville and Martin Ross

Maj. Sinclair Yeates retired from the British Army to accept an appointment as Resident Magistrate (R.M.) in Western Ireland. Besides taking a new job for which he has no previous experience, he has other daunting tasks. These include fixing up the ruin of a country estate he purchased so his fiancé can join him after they marry and adjusting to an eccentric pack of rural neighbors, some of whom appear before him in court. Set in 1890s Ireland, this book offers a charming set of tales.

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Wentworth Press, 2016, 326 pages

Military History

By Prit Buttar

When Adolf Hitler decided to invade the Soviet Union, it proved the beginning of the end for the Third Reich. Overmatched militarily and technologically, the Soviets’ sheer numbers and brutish determination were enough to push the Germans back. Prit Buttar’s new book breaks down one of the pivotal locations where this pendulum swing took place: Leningrad. Pulling from countless documents from commanders to the regular soldier, it’s a masterful retelling of a heroic undertaking.

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Osprey Publishing, 2024, 464 pages


By Caleb Bingham

Published in 1797, “The Columbian Orator” was billed in its bicentennial edition as “the book that helped build the American character.” This best-selling textbook’s 84 selections from plays, poetry, essays, and speeches and its lessons in oratory impacted several generations of Americans. Amherst College professor and editor David W. Blight stressed its strong influence on ex-slave and abolitionist Frederick Douglass, who called it his “gem.” Here’s an excellent lens through which we can view early American republican spirit.

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NYU Press, 1998, 296 pages (bicentennial edition)

For Kids


By John Rocco

Based on the author’s childhood in Rhode Island, where he experienced the infamous blizzard of 1978, “Blizzard” depicts the excitement, fun, and challenges of a giant snowstorm from a child’s perspective. A perfect read for a snowy day, this autobiographical tale inspiringly depicts a 10-year-old’s resourcefulness when getting groceries becomes an issue.

Little, Brown Books, 2014, 40 pages
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Dustin Bass is the creator and host of the American Tales podcast, and co-founder of The Sons of History. He writes two weekly series for The Epoch Times: Profiles in History and This Week in History. He is also an author.