Based on the True Story of Three Christian Prisoners Who Face Execution in a Third World Country

Last Funded August 2024


raised from 2,072 investors


In Theaters Nationwide on August 2, 2024
All investments are used to cover the TV, Radio, billboard, and digital advertising expenses.
We want to win 1 million people to Jesus through this film to:Join the 'One Million Souls for Christ
The filmmakers have been supported by Cru, Calvary Chapel, Greg Laurie, Kay Arthur, Fish Radio, NRB

Featured Investor

Invested $30,000
Syndicate Lead


“As a family physician and born-again Christian, I deal daily with people's physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Movies like 'The Firing Squad', especially when they are true events and point to the reality of the salvation all people can find in Jesus, are crucial to providing hope to a downtrodden world. I am eager to see the results of the "1 Million Souls for Christ' campaign that 'The Firing Squad' is doing. Please support this important film in any way you can. Hebrews 6:10 s...”

Our Team

The Epoch Times is dedicated to seeking the truth through insightful and independent journalism. Our motto of Truth, Tradition, Hope is our guiding light. We highlight in our reporting the best of humanity, valuable lessons from history, and traditions that benefit society.
Kevin SorboExecutive Producer
World-renowned Christian Film and TV Star, Best-Selling author; Fox News contributor Kevin plays the lead of the pastor facing execution in a third-world country.
Tim CheyDirector
One of the top faith-based producer/directors in the U.S. of over 15 feature films, Timothy Chey, has an extraordinary number of commercially successful and critically acclaimed credits to his name.

Aiming for #1 at the Box Office this August 2024!

It is based on the true story of three Christian prisoners who face execution and bring the entire prison camp to Christ.

See the incredible reactions to the movie from LA to Nashville below.

Your investment could help save people!

This campaign ends on July 31st.

Please note we are only raising up to $5M through Wefunder.


After the first dollar is paid back to all investors, then 20% of the profit goes to all investors pro rata.

Earn Perks When You Invest!


Invest $100

Get exclusive behind-the-scenes content & and get updated.

Invest $500 (Receive the perk by the end of August 2024.)

One-Year Full Access to The Epoch Times digital platform: Stay informed anytime, anywhere, on any device with a seamless digital experience.

- Includes all previous perks.

Invest $1,500 - Join us for an exclusive early-viewing online screening at 7:30 p.m. EST on July 29. Notification emails were sent on July 26. All new investors, whose investments are completed, will receive a link via email before 7 p.m. EST on July 29.

- Early Viewing: Watch the full movie before its theatrical release.

- Includes all previous perks.


Invest $10,000 - An email invitation was sent to you on July 26 for a special screening event on August 1. Please RVSP by July 29.

- Exclusive Screener Event: Join us virtually or in person for a special screening.

- Includes all previous perks.


Invest $20,000 - Starting to mail out in October.

- Film Script: Receive a hard copy of the original film script written by Tim, with a credit mention.

- Includes all previous perks.


Invest $30,000

- Associate Producer Credit: Earn a title credit as an Associate Producer.

(This perk is available until June 27, as we will begin sending the final movie to theaters on June 28.)

- Includes all previous perks.


Matthew 16:26

**comparisons not indicative of predicted performance

*The goal is to release in August, but the date may be subject to change. At this moment in time, we are 100% committed to release it in August 2024.
