Easy Pour Over Coffee With the Gabi Master A

Easy Pour Over Coffee With the Gabi Master A
The Gabi Master A coffee maker is an innovative pour over coffee dripper that automatically times and distributes the water throughout the coffee grounds. Made in Korea by Glowbeans, this coffee dripper was awarded the Choice of the Champion from the 2018 World Barista Championships. 
Pour over coffee offers a cleaner and more crisp flavor than an espresso. This is because espresso extracts the oils from coffee using high pressure, while pour over coffee simply uses gravity, this results in coffee with less oils. However, a major drawback of pour over coffee is that it often contains more sediment, which clouds the flavors. 
It is difficult to prevent the coffee grounds from over agitating when pouring water over the coffee grounds. However, the Gabi Master A brewer offers a smart solution as it gently disperses water using a specially timed filter. This minimizes agitation of the coffee grounds and prevents sediment from entering your coffee. 
The Gabi Master A’s uniquely designed filter automatically times your pour for you.
If you’re someone that enjoys pour-over coffee, but don’t want to go through the hassle of timing and weighing your pours, the Gabi Master A could be an ideal brewer. 
The Gabi has three compartments that makes the process automated. The first compartment holds the hot water. Once you pour in the hot water, the Gabi’s design funnels the water into the second compartment at a specific pace that’s perfect for a pour over. In the second compartment, there is a special filter that gently distributes the water across the coffee grounds in the third compartment, minimizing agitation. 
On the bottom of the coffee grounds compartment, there is another filter that drips the coffee into a mug or carafe of your choice. This added convenience means you can brew a single serving of pour over coffee right into your mug. This is also what makes the Gabi A a perfect travel companion. 
We’ve all been there where we arrive at a hotel only to find a less than ideal coffee set up. With the Gabi A, you can enjoy pour over coffee anywhere as long as you have water and ground coffee. Conveniently, the Gabi’s compartments stack together, fitting into a relatively small square box. 
The Gabi A has the capacity to brew two servings of coffee. Its coffee compartment can hold enough coffee grounds for more than one cup. So whether you are on a camping trip, staying in a dorm, or vacationing at a hotel, the Gabi A is a versatile coffee brewer that fits the needs of singles, couples, or small families.  

Downsides of The Gabi Master A Brewer

Some Gabi Master A users have commented that they would prefer having a glass version of the brewer, due to concerns about heat resistant plastic. This is a valid concern as a ceramic or glass option would minimize plastics from leaching into the hot water. 
The Gabi Master A is made with PC1220R, a high-quality, heat-resistant material commonly used in baby bottles. The product is safe. However, those who are extra health conscious may prefer an alternative. 
It’s worthwhile to note that the Gabi Master A would lose its portability and convenience if the brewer was made with ceramic or glass. The current plastic brewer is light, stackable, and very portable. From a design and functional standpoint, we can see why Glowbeans chose this material for the Gabi
Another point to consider is that the Gabi is by no means a quick coffee brewer. If you are used to an electronic single serve brewer such as a Keurig or Nespresso, you may find that the Gabi Master A offers a slower pace. You would need to allocate 3-4 minutes to brew a cup of coffee with the Gabi, vs less than 2 minutes for a lot of electronic brewers. 
Although some people do enjoy having a slower coffee ritual in the morning, as it helps them wake up and start the day mindful and calm. 
The Gabi Master A also requires a paper filter for the coffee grounds. Although it might be a little less convenient to bring coffee filters, they are small and lightweight compared to the big filters used in typical plug-in drip coffee machines. You don’t actually need to use the Gabi’s own branded filters, a Kalita Wave 155 filter also fits perfectly for the Gabi. 


The Gabi Master A dripper definitely wins on portability, convenience, and quality brewing. It’s a great option for the coffee enthusiast who likes to extract clean flavors from their beans. Although not for big families, the Gabi Master A is certainly just right for the busy traveler who wants to bring consistent coffee he can trust wherever he goes. 
At a price of under $40 USD, it is also very affordable compared to other portable, single serve brewers. Baristas will certainly enjoy testing different beans with the Gabi and it’s been known to be used at coffee shops. 
A great deal of research and development has been done on this brewer, and it has gained international recognition for its innovative solution to the pour over problem. A well deserved congratulations to Glowbeans for creating this original coffee brewer.
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