5 Ways Leaders Practice Radical Self Care at Work and at Home

5 Ways Leaders Practice Radical Self Care at Work and at Home
Jamie Goudeau

“Eat your vegetables, so you can grow up to be strong like Daddy.”

“Brush your teeth so you won’t have cavities.”

“You have to drink water, everyday.”

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“Believe in yourself!”

How many of you can relate to these demands being made of you as a child?

Self-care practices have been taught in homes worldwide, without question. It has been a practice been handed down from one generation to the next without fail. Everyone is in consensus that children need to learn the value and practice of self-care (“your teeth will rot and literally fall from your mouth if you do not brush them daily”).

Yet, at times, even the most responsible adults fall victim to relegating self-care as optional or even forgotten due to hectic lifestyles and competing demands.

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Self-care is an integral part of wellness. There is something to be said about the old adage, “If you look good, you feel good.” Successful leaders have this knowledge in common.

Think of someone who is successful and influential whether in the business world, such as Elon Musk, or is a spiritual leader such Joyce Meyers, or maybe a city leader such as your mayor or governor. Do they present looking like they are worn out and defeated? Absolutely not!

They are well dressed, present with a self-confident smile, and often radiate positivity. They understand the importance of radical self-care. They work hard, daily, to put their best foot forward, and they reap the rewards of their efforts.

So, what do you need to implement in your daily life (both at home and at work) to look and feel your best? Follow these leadership self-care habits and begin living your best life in 2024:

Show Yourself Some Love

As a leader, whether in your office or in your home, you matter. You are important! Remind yourself of this by doing something specifically for your enjoyment, daily.
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It doesn’t have to be of great magnitude; it just needs to be meaningful, to you. Take a leisurely walk on your lunch break and take in the grandeur of nature around you. Listen to your favorite tune on your way in to work, focusing on the lyrics rather than the workday ahead. Give yourself a pep talk filled with positive affirmations. Remind yourself that not only are you beautiful, but you are enough. (“I am amazing! I am a successful leader!”)

Showing yourself love will increase self-esteem and self-confidence, culminating in increasing your leadership abilities and qualities—as you radiate and glow from the inside out.

Make Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Here are just a few examples:
  • Eat healthy foods daily;
  • avoid excessive carbohydrates and overly processed foods;
  • add fresh fruits and vegetables to your plate;
  • exercise regularly;
  • get enough sleep;
  • show yourself kindness and compassion;
  • spend time with your Higher Power;
  • keep alcohol to a responsible level of consumption and avoid drugs;
  • see your doctor for regular health checks;
  • Keep stress to a healthy minimum;
  • speak assertively and set healthy boundaries;
  • practice good hygiene, daily.
  • Maintain a positive attitude and look for opportunities to spread kindness at work, in your home, in your world.
The more you put into your self-care routine the better you will feel, and it will be obvious to your circle of influence as they wonder “What’s he got that I don’t?”


Have fun! Enjoy your friends, enjoy your family, enjoy your life! Make memories!

Go to that party you had decided you had no time to attend. Book a cruise with your family rather than working on the fourth of July. Toss the professional demeanor on Friday night and hit the dance floor with your partner and friends in full abandon.

Socializing keeps stress levels down and a good support system is great for your mental health.

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Socializing with friends and family will increase your feelings of belonging and love which are good for your emotional health.

Join a Bible study or a gym to meet healthy people, make new friends, and increase your opportunities to socialize. You will not regret putting fun on your agenda. Remember all work and no play makes Jack a dull guy! Don’t be that guy!

Check In With Yourself Regularly

Check in with yourself as you do with your family, your friends, your co-workers, etc.

Spend a few minutes every day to take your emotional and mental temperatures. Daily checks will help you to develop a deeper awareness of your personal growth as well as areas that need attention.

Am I allowing my behavior to be determined by my goals?

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Am I staying true to my values and priorities?

You may consider journaling as a means of checking in with yourself. You may find that you really enjoy the therapeutic effects it offers. Practice mindfulness techniques to develop a trait of mindfulness, increase self-awareness, and learn how to appreciate the present.

As a leader, knowing yourself, being fully aware of your strengths and your weaknesses, is imperative and freeing.

Never Give Up on Your Dreams

Do this for you! A good leader recognizes the importance of doing something daily to advance the realization of his dreams.

It may not be life altering or even earth shattering. It just needs to be something moving you one more step closer to making your dreams a reality.

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If your dream is to someday travel, begin keeping a journal of exciting places you want to visit in your lifetime and spend time daily envisioning yourself traveling.

Believe in your ability to make your dreams into a reality. Remember when you were a child how you were encouraged to dream big? Don’t underestimate the value of doing this now, as an adult, as a leader, in your home and at work as well. You are only limited by your beliefs.

Self-care has many benefits which include improved mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical wellbeing by improving one’s ability to manage stress, increasing self-esteem and feelings of belonging and love.

It also helps with finding contentment in a person’s life, family, relationships, and job. It can reduce the possibility of burn out. It can help to improve physical health by empowering the body to heal itself and fight illness.

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Self-care can also enhance your spirituality and peace of mind through meditation, mindfulness, and other healing techniques.

Return to the basics—celebrate you by showing yourself some love. Add these habits to your daily routine and you will reap the rewards of your choices in 2024 and for years to come as well!

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Jamie Goudeau
Jamie Goudeau
Jamie is a Licensed Professional Counselor, licensed to counsel in the state of Louisiana. Jamie works as a full-time mental health therapist in the small community she was born and raised, empowering others to overcome their mental health issues. Her latest book is "Lucrecia: Memoir of a Manic Woman."
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