Electromagnetic fields (EMFs), from extremely low-frequency non-ionizing radiation all the way to high-frequency x-rays and gamma rays, have been consistently demonstrated to cause harm to living organisms, including humans, animals, insects, plants, and microbes. Although the profit-driven telecommunications industry continues to deny this long-proven truth, thousands of studies over several decades have demonstrated the negative effects of EMFs on biology.
EMFs are produced by a wide variety of technological infrastructure and devices, as well as natural sources. Many devices that emit EMFs are wireless, and transmit frequencies that carry information from one device to another through the air. Many others require being plugged into power sources.
As a result of governments all throughout the developed world refusing to regulate exposure to non-ionizing radiation, electromagnetic pollution in the environment is increasing at an exponential rate. It is a type of pollution that we cannot get away from, since it is now everywhere in our modern cities.
The industry continues to deny the existence of this harm by stating that the non-ionizing radiation emitted from their devices and infrastructure is too low to cause a heating effect in the body. This is based on the assumption that a heating effect is the only possible mechanism of harm, which is a bold and ignorant assumption that has been consistently proven false by scientists around the world.
It has been found that the primary mechanism of radiation damage is NOT due to any heating effect. The negative effects are mainly caused by the way that EMFs interact with the electromagnetically sensitive membranes that surround all of our cells, which wreaks havoc throughout every system in our body.
Natural electromagnetic fields emitted from the Earth and its atmosphere have constantly changing frequencies that all life forms on Earth have evolved to live within. The natural background radiation on Earth is recognizable by our cells as a property of our environment, which we are well adapted to.
Non-native (manmade, artificial) electronic infrastructure and devices emit vastly different patterns than natural sources. Each of these artificial EMF sources runs on repetitive, pulsed frequencies—if these were audible to us, we would hear something like an alarm clock or car alarm. Nothing in nature operates this way, so because of this, our bodies are constantly in ‘alarm mode’ due to the unnatural signature. If we are being exposed to the same frequency over and over again, day after day, our cells will become overstimulated.
Like a virus, our body attempts to “attack” the EMFs that it perceives as a foreign invader. Unfortunately, there is nothing physically present to attack and defeat, so the battle goes on forever, or until the harmful stimulus is removed. In this ongoing battle, our immune system can exhaust itself, and have less energy to respond to actual invaders, such as viruses and bacteria, or to repair and regenerate the body.
This constant work results in a weakened immune system and reduced overall vitality, which can result in a variety of unpleasant and potentially serious symptoms, including:
• fatigue and lack of focus • inflammation • depression and anxiety • viral and bacterial infections • heart arrhythmias • digestive problems • insomnia • reduced fertility • allergies and autoimmune issues • weakness, nausea, tremors
Numerous studies have linked long-term EMF exposure to an increased risk of many health conditions, including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, autism, heart disease, miscarriage, brain tumors, leukemia, immune system disorders, learning disabilities, memory loss, sleep disorders, headaches and migraines, lowered sperm counts, increased blood pressure, hormonal imbalance, and DNA damage.
The long-term ramifications of EMF exposure are also significant. The immunosuppressive, hormone-disruptive, and DNA-damaging effects of long-term EMF exposure could have harmful epigenetic consequences on the vitality of our children and grandchildren.
The most comprehensive EMF protection solution is to generate a field that’s based on the infinitely varied and highly structured fields found in nature, but at a higher amplitude, so the body’s cells can perceive and entrain with this field over the harmful EMFs.
This is how Blushield works.
It’s like changing radio stations—switching from heavy metal to a classical symphony, calming your entire nervous system.
As an Epoch Times subscriber, you get 10 percent off any home and portable Blushield device, automatically applied at checkout.