Our bodies run on their own form of natural electricity. These natural electric currents are controlled and regulated by mineral ions that hold and release electrical charge when appropriate to any given biological function. Considering that, it’s no wonder we are sensitive to even the very weakest electromagnetic fields from our environment. If our bodies are electrochemical in nature, and respond to even the smallest endogenous electrical signal, of course we are also going to be affected by external electric and magnetic signals.
There is considerable evidence, mainly through the work of biochemist Martin Pall, that the primary mechanism through which manmade electromagnetic fields affect our bodies is through the voltage-gated calcium channels that are found in the membranes of every cell in our body. Calcium ions are sitting at the ready in our cell membranes, waiting for any signal from hormones, neurotransmitters, and other chemical messengers in our bodies. When prompted by natural endogenous means, they typically release a minuscule amount of calcium into the cytosol (the inside of the cell), which then triggers chain reactions of enzymes and other messenger chemicals to initiate a wide variety of biological functions, depending on what the messenger substance signaled. Our bodies are incredibly complex and sensitive.
The structure of the manmade, artificial EMFs that are being utilized today has a disastrous effect on our voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs). The havoc wreaked is thought to be related to the pulsed nature of alternating currents (AC electricity) and wireless radiation, which massively overstimulate our VGCCs, triggering the release of a literal flood of calcium into the inside of our cells. This causes a biologically confusing and overstimulating flood of signals that create chain reactions throughout our bodily systems. It also necessitates the replacement of the calcium ions that are supposed to hold the negatively charged phospholipids of the cell membrane together with their double positive charge, with other ionic elements that are not as suited for this task. This results in small holes in the phospholipid barrier of the cell that leak substances into and out of the cell to where they shouldn’t be, contributing to many potential health problems.
A chronic leakage in the cell membrane caused by calcium channel flooding, stimulated by the external EMFs, also causes dysfunction in the transport systems of each cell. This inhibits the intake of nutrients and the expelling of waste, causing the cell to weaken and eventually die.

Studies have been published showing that calcium channel blocker drugs actually block or greatly reduce the biological effects of EMFs, proving that EMF harm is closely related to the role and function of the VGCCs. Of course, that doesn’t mean that everyone should start taking calcium channel blockers to protect from EMFs, as these drugs come with considerable side effects and should only be used for specific heart conditions when prescribed by a doctor.
Here are links to a small sampling of Dr. Martin Pall’s research on VGCCs and EMFs:
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