David Krayden: Holding a Climate Change Conference in the Desert Is Surreal

David Krayden: Holding a Climate Change Conference in the Desert Is Surreal
A billboard advertising COP28 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, on Nov. 27, 2023. Representatives are gathering in the city for the 28th Conference of the Partners summit, which runs from Nov. 30 to Dec. 12, 2023. AP Photo/Kamran Jebreili
David Krayden

Holding a church service in a house of ill-repute would demonstrate either extreme hypocrisy or a fanatical belief in the miraculous and healing power of your faith. But what is it for the acolytes of the climate change religion who are holding their annual Most Serene Summit in the most bizarre of locales?

It almost defies belief, but the 2023 COP28 climate conference is now unfolding in Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates. Yes, it’s being held in the desert, in the heart of an oil kingdom, and being chaired by oil magnates.

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Half of the federal cabinet is there, along with delegations from Alberta and Saskatchewan, led respectively by Premier Danielle Smith and Premier Scott Moe, that are attempting to limit the economic carnage that these exercises tend to breed.

This ironic union of political objective and location is surely not just toxic but surreal. It is difficult to fathom the arrogance of our climate change masters who really believe a change in the weather is indicative of an “existential threat.”

But what do you expect from the globalists at the United Nations who sponsor this junket every year so hypocritical woke politicians can journey to exotic climes on carbon-busting jets, spend days waxing eloquent about their intrinsic love of humanity, and then spend their nights eating haute cuisine and drinking exotic wines and spirits and beer by the bathtub.

Will they discuss how farmers everywhere from Canada to the Netherlands should reduce their use of fertilizer, produce less food, and manage fewer cows even if it promotes famine and starvation? You can be sure of it, but not too loudly and out of the public’s view.

Just being at a COP festival can induce politicians to lapse into a spasm of entitlement that surpasses their usual fits of self-serving spending habits.

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But to ask the political leaders of the world to congregate in the desert to worship at the climate change altar is so strikingly moronic that it smacks of not only conceit but insanity. Why didn’t they choose Las Vegas? At least the casinos provide a cheap breakfast and a lot of free drinks around the tables.

Can you imagine the air conditioning bill for this photo op in Dubai? But if they can force people to play soccer in this climate, I suppose politicians, who usually imagine themselves as better celebrities than sports stars, can manage the heat—provided at least there is plenty of cool air inside the meeting rooms and hotel suites.

The very fact that our political leaders expect the masses to accept this charade at face value and to continue to believe that fighting climate change is not just the most important issue but the only one that really matters, is indicative of how delusional they have become and how much like a religion climate change ideology now resembles.

Every question that comes up, any inconvenience or government intrusion, can always be justified on the basis that it is arresting climate change. Just spend a week watching question period in our own House of Commons. I host a live broadcast with commentary two or three times a week and it is astounding to observe the chicanery and buffoonery that now passes for political discourse in Canada. Literally any question from the Official Opposition can be distilled by any cabinet minister into an attack on the government’s climate change plan and the alleged fact that the Conservative Party has no plan and covertly denies there is any such thing as climate change.

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I have never believed the polling that suggests a vast majority of Canadians are obsessed with climate change and spend their late-night hours fretting over their personal responsibility for greenhouse gasses and the pressing need for the federal government to reduce its carbon footprint.

But it seems that reality has finally caught up with voters—and with the polls. A recent Angus-Reid Institute survey found that 73 percent of respondents were concerned about “the rising cost of living” and only 29 percent about climate change. Yes, when you can’t afford a mortgage, are unable to rent an apartment, barely have enough in the bank to buy your groceries, and can only fill up the gas tank once a week, perhaps you will start to wonder why the Liberal government continues to tell you that climate change is both the cause and the consequence of all your ills.

And that is literally what the climate-change cabal is telling you: We are going to impoverish you, freeze you, starve you, and make your life miserable because you must submit your hopes, your dreams, and your prosperity to fight against climate change. Climate change is the cause of your troubles, and if you don’t sacrifice your lives to this extremist ideology, climate change will be the consequence of that decision.

Is this a classic swindle or what?

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Now, just think about this. All summer long Environment and Climate Change Minister Steven Guilbeault told us that the forest fires blazing across Canada were a direct result of climate change. He offered no evidence for this claim but probably made it two or three times during every question period that occurred during the wildfire scourge—despite there being enormous evidence that arson was a major cause.

But the real issue is just how Canada becoming net zero will affect the aggregate carbon index.

Canada only produces around 1.3 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. What does it matter if we shut off all the power, turn off the electricity, ban fossil fuels, eliminate the combustion engine, and begin living in caves? The effect on the global carbon footprint would be negligible.

And that stark fact is beginning to dawn on many Canadians who are wondering why the global elites continue to live in luxury and deny themselves nothing but insist the poor, stupid masses deny themselves everything because, well, it’s good for you.

Marxists traditionally called religion “the opiate of the masses.” The climate change religion does not offer any such sedation, but it does incline towards the misery of the masses.

Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
David Krayden
David Krayden
David Krayden is a former contributor to The Epoch Times. He graduated from Carleton University's School of Journalism and served with the Air Force in public affairs before working on Parliament Hill as a legislative assistant and communications advisor. As a journalist he has been a weekly columnist for the Calgary Herald, Ottawa Sun, and iPolitics.
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