Think less? That can’t be right, can it?
We’re taught from a very young age that the key to a better life is to use our brains more, to think more clearly, and to develop stronger reasoning skills.
But what if I told you that the path to happier and calmer days could be in letting go of the need for hyperrationality and leaning into the intuitions that you’ve developed over a lifetime of living?
In this modern age, we have more information than ever before, and we’ve come to think of our brains like computers. We think we need to analyze more information, consider every possibility, and then weigh our choices rationally.
The Trouble With Overthinking
As a longtime overthinker, I’ve experienced the downsides of relying too much on the analytical side of my brain.I’m familiar with feeling overwhelmed when faced with too many options and having already spent way too long weighing them. I know the brain fog that results in spending way too much time ruminating on your thoughts.
But that’s all changing for me. I’m learning to tap into my intuition and embrace a gut instinct that has been refined by real-world action. The two aren’t mutually exclusive, of course, but there is a real beauty in living with less control and learning to go with the flow.
Thinking less allows us to tap into a deeper type of knowledge than logic alone.Engagement
When we think less, we live more in the moment.Calm
The more you think about a problem, the more you feel you ought to have it figured out and be able to influence the outcome. But that’s often far from the case. Many times, the longer I toss around a decision in my brain, the less certain I become and the more stressed I feel about making the wrong choice. Living intuitively means humbly admitting we don’t know everything and letting go of trying to control life with our thinking.Intuition
Thinking less can often lead to solving problems faster than I ever did before. Ironically, for many decisions in life, the fastest way to get an answer is to take the first few steps in a direction. The real world, combined with your emotional response to the situation, is often the exact feedback you need to make necessary adjustments. This kind of knowledge isn’t always discoverable in the abstraction of thinking.Inspiration
Without thinking, I am discovering opportunities that I never considered.Momentum
I am enjoying a satisfying sense of progress and momentum not possible by pondering every choice.Ease
Living with less internal debate has lifted a weight off my chest.Self Trust
I now feel more confident that I can figure things out. Ironically, by deciding to think less, I don’t feel that my decisions in life have suffered one bit. If anything, without the weight of overthinking, my mind feels more agile and awake, and my decisions feel more in tune with my values.Joy
Thinking less has led to having more fun in my everyday life.Confidence
Spending less time being overwhelmed because of overthinking has removed a key factor undermining my confidence.In summary, for any of you considering my advice to think less, I would offer this lesson learned: Many times, it’s our thinking that makes our situation overwhelming more than the situation itself. We live with the expectation that we should be able to figure everything out in advance, when in reality it’s much simpler, for most decisions in life, to trust our guts and make adjustments as we go.