How To Protect All Your Family’s Precious Photos, Videos & VHS Tapes In Less Than 5 Minutes

Source: GiddyUp/iMemories
In Partnership with iMemories
Don’t let those old memories fade away and be forgotten — upload them digitally with help from this new service!
Is your closet full of old family films, videotapes, photos, and slides?
Perhaps you store these precious memories in the attic, or keep them stuffed away in boxes. In any case, you probably don’t get the chance to look at them very often!
These days, it seems like everything is digital. Nobody makes the time to flip through old photo albums or pull out the VHS tapes. Most people forget they even exist. And if you wanted to watch those old videos, hardly anyone owns a VCR or DVD player these days!
So the only photos and videos we enjoy nowadays are from the recent “social media era”. 
But what about your childhood photos, your wedding day, the precious few photos of your child when they were still a baby? Since they’re not digital, they may never see the light of day again.
Of course, it’s more than just a shame that those memories won’t be cherished like they should be. They are also at risk of being lost forever. Sometimes all it takes is a glass of water accidentally spilling over to ruin your favorite memory.
After all, your photos and videos are fragile physical objects. They can fade, tear, and disappear even when kept in proper conditions. Imagine spending hours searching for a precious family photo, just to discover the photo had faded away to the point of being unrecognizable.
(Source: GiddyUp/iMemories)
Source: GiddyUp/iMemories
Thankfully, you don’t have to accept this “dusty box purgatory”.  There is now an easy way to solve this problem once and for all!

How To Preserve Your Family’s Memories For Generations To Come:

(Source: GiddyUp/iMemories)
Source: GiddyUp/iMemories
These days, it’s actually easier than ever to guarantee you never lose your precious memories. You simply “digitize” them by scanning the originals and creating digital copies.
Digitization has plenty of benefits:
  • It protects your memories from fading away any further.
  • It lets you enjoy your memories whenever you want, instead of leaving them trapped in a dusty box — without stressing or searching for hours.
  • Finally, it guarantees you will never lose them to sudden disaster, such as a fire or flood.
It’s clear your best choice is to digitize everything. By uploading these photos and videos to a digital format, they would be protected forever, easily accessible, and safe from a horrible accident. But embarking on this journey alone is no easy task. 
You have to own expensive equipment like a scanner and a video capture tool. You also need both the expertise and calm focus to not destroy anything in the process of uploading it. 
And, most time-consuming of all, you need to dig through every single box and upload every single picture one by one—without making mistakes.
This process, thanks to everyday interruptions and life happening, generally takes people months to do themselves. More often than not, it’s a project that’s started but never finished. Sound familiar? How many of those do you have around the house? 
It’s possible to ask your local copy shop if they can help. But if it’s not a service they generally provide, it can be extremely expensive and you risk your photos and videos not coming back to you safely. 
Fortunately, there are professionals who have perfected this service for over 20 years: iMemories. 

What Is iMemories? 

(Source: GiddyUp/iMemories)
Source: GiddyUp/iMemories
Based in Scottsdale, Arizona, iMemories is the go-to “digitization” choice for individuals, families, and businesses. They convert old media formats, like VHS tapes, film reels, and photographs, into digital files that can be easily accessed, shared, and preserved.
iMemories handles all aspects of the digitization process from start to finish, allowing customers to enjoy their memories without the hassle of doing it themselves.
They can convert almost any type of old video or picture format. Such as:
  • 8mm
  • 16mm
  • Super8
  • Betamax
  • VHS
  • VHS—C
  • 8mm/Hi8
  • MiniDV
  • Photo Prints
  • Slides
  • Negatives
Unlike mom-and-pop shops (or your eager, but perhaps naive grandson), iMemories has the technical prowess required to preserve your precious memories from these formats. They’ve digitized more than 100 million photos and videos from over 500,000 customers. Beyond digitizing photos, they also touch-up and enhance old photos that have faded away, ensuring they look even better than before. 

How Does iMemories Work?

(Source: GiddyUp/iMemories)
Source: GiddyUp/iMemories
When you’re ready to digitize your memories, simply order a SafeShip Kit from their website. If you’re nervous about shipping your priceless memories via the mail—don’t be. iMemories has a partnership with FedEx to guarantee delivery—and the box is crush-proof, waterproof, and shock-resistant.
The SafeShip Kit also comes with a prepaid shipping label and has protected over 500,000 customer’s precious memories during transport.

This Is The Best Part: You Don’t Need To Organize Anything!

(Source: GiddyUp/iMemories)
Source: GiddyUp/iMemories
There’s no need to sort, label, or organize anything—iMemories takes care of it all.
Once your memories arrive at their factory, a specialized team of preservation technicians begins the digitization process. Your old media gets converted into high-quality digital files, which are then uploaded to your secure, private cloud portal they’ve created for you.
You can then access these files anywhere and from any device, ensuring your memories are always at your fingertips to enjoy or quickly share with loved ones. When the process is complete, iMemories returns your original media, so you can still enjoy both your old and newly digitized memories.
(Source: GiddyUp/iMemories)
Source: GiddyUp/iMemories

iMemories Is Fast & Easy. If You Have Lots Of Priceless Memories, Don’t Put This Off!

iMemories gives you the relief of knowing that your most beloved memories are safe forever, and gratitude that you don’t have to deal with this overwhelming task anymore.
Not only do you get peace of mind, you’ll also have fun sharing your photos on social media! Just like you are curious to see what life was like for your parents, your children and the rest of today’s generation are excited to see your old photos.
Digitizing your photos and videos is honestly priceless—your children learn so many things about you that they never would have known if you left all those photos and videos to rot in the attic! Because every single photo sparks a memory that you previously forgot. 
Remember, it’s not just for you, but also your family, your kids, and your grandkids. The cloud portal that iMemories creates for you is your family’s personal time machine. You can keep building it together over the years, knowing it will always be there for you.
If you have a ton of valuable memories stored away in your attic or basement: this is truly one of the best things you can spend money on. Just don’t wait before it’s too late!