The Bible Collection: Paul

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When Paul encountered Jesus, everything changed.

DVDs: The Bible Collection: Paul the Apostle and The Bible Collection: The Apocalypse

Formerly known as Saul of Tarsus, the devout Pharisee and Roman citizen was known for pursuing and capturing all who trusted in Jesus as the Messiah. He turned them over to the authorities for punishment. On a journey to Damascus, however, something happened that would change Saul’s life forever. Blinded and struck by lightning, Saul fell from his horse and heard the words of Jesus ring out, "Saul, why do you persecute me?" From that moment, everything changed for Saul–his name was only the beginning. See the story of the man who once brought death to the followers of Christ become the man who brought the Gospel message of Jesus to the people furthest from Him. Watch for free today through this special online event.

Prayerfully consider making a donation to RevelationMedia and receive two FREE DVDs: The Apocalypse and Paul the Apostle from The Bible Collection. These incredible award-winning films delve into Scriptural history, and reveal the events in God’s Word. Watch with your family and see the Biblical characters come to life, and support the ongoing efforts of RevelationMedia to provide families in the US and missionaries around the world with quality Christian content.

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DVDs: The Bible Collection: Paul the Apostle and The Bible Collection: The Apocalypse

Support the ministry of RevelationMedia today and we will send you two DVDs: The Apocalypse, and Paul the Apostle from The Bible Collection.

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