Nutrients in two or more foods can sometimes have a synergistic action, meaning that one or more nutrients in each food can either produce or enhance a beneficial effect when foods are eaten together. The effect is superior to what each food produces singularly. In this case, one might say that one plus one equals three.
The latest evidence of this phenomenon comes from two studies that explored how the combination of honey and yogurt, a food source of probiotic bacteria, may affect the gut microbiome. Results suggested that one tablespoon of honey added to a serving of yogurt helped the beneficial microbes survive longer in the gut.
The research, published in The Journal of Nutrition (TJN) in March and August, consisted of an in vitro study followed by a clinical trial involving human participants.The In Vitro Study
The in vitro study assessed the effects of four kinds of honey on the survival of the probiotic Bifidobacterium animalis in yogurt during simulated digestion. Honey varieties tested included clover, buckwheat, alfalfa, and orange blossom.Microbes were grown in petri dishes containing solutions mimicking different components of digestion—saliva, stomach acid, intestinal bile, and enzymes.
“The enzymes in our mouth, stomach, and intestines help with digestion and facilitate nutrient absorption, but they also reduce the viability of microbes,” Holscher said in the statement. “That’s great when it’s pathogens but not necessarily when it comes to beneficial bacteria.”
The Clinical Trial
In the clinical trial, 66 healthy participants ate two food items for two weeks each—yogurt with clover honey and yogurt without honey. The individuals recorded information about their bowel movements and provided stool samples. In addition, they completed surveys and took tests that evaluated cognition and mood.As in the in vitro study, the results showed clover honey supported probiotic survival in the gut. Conversely, the participants didn’t experience any of the health benefits involving improved bowel function, cognition, or mood.
Factors Underlying Probiotic Benefit
Clover honey has some unique attributes that may have made it more effective in supporting Bifidobacteria survival, Holscher told The Epoch Times in an email.“For example, the amount of glucose was highest in the clover honey. The glucose may have served as an energy source for the probiotic bacteria,” she wrote.
“Also, clover honey had lower amounts of enzymes that break down longer chain sugars called oligosaccharides, which Bifidobacteria can use as energy sources.” This would result in more energy available to fuel the probiotics as they travel through the intestinal tract.
Why No Associated Health Benefits?
While the honey lengthened probiotic survival in the colon, it failed to produce the associated health benefits, raising the question, “Why?”“Probiotics generally offer the greatest benefits to individuals experiencing health issues,” Holscher wrote. “Several probiotic strains are effective at supporting digestive health, such as improving constipation or lessening the duration of antibiotic-associated diarrhea.”
Honey With Yogurt Precaution
“Honey is an added sugar, so it is important to not consume too much of it,” Holscher cautioned. “In fact, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend consuming less than 10 [percent] of daily calories in the form of added sugars, which equates to 200 calories in a 2,000-calorie diet. A tablespoon of honey is about 64 calories.”She said that one tablespoon of honey can fit into a healthy dietary pattern, especially if people are considering pairing it with plain yogurt, a good source of protein and calcium.
Holscher said that one of the most interesting findings from her work is that there was a functional benefit to the common food pairing of yogurt and honey.
Other Honey–Food Synergies
While the TJN study depicts one food that synergizes with honey, the natural sweetener offers a synergistic effect with an array of other foods:Honey With Garlic
Both honey and garlic contain antioxidant and antimicrobial properties that may be more effective when used together. An investigation involving rats suggested that the combined topical use of Euphorbia (from Mediterranean countries, such as Morocco) honey and garlic for the treatment of burn wounds enhances wound healing. The synergistic action may shorten and improve the quality of wound recovery.Honey With Tea
The antioxidants in honey and black tea also work synergistically when mixed together. One experiment found that the simultaneous use of dark-amber, amber, and light-amber honey varieties from Portugal with lemon-flavored black tea potentiates the antioxidant activity in the tea. Antioxidants in tea include flavonoids, phenolics, and organic acids including ascorbic acid.Honey With Lemon
Although little research has explored the effects of honey with lemon, it is a time-honored remedy for respiratory infections, such as colds. The mixture of the two creates a powerful combination for boosting immunity and soothing sore throats, nutritionist Lisa Richards told The Epoch Times in an email.“Honey contains antioxidants and antimicrobial compounds like hydrogen peroxide and flavonoids, which, when combined with the vitamin C in lemon, enhance immune function,” she wrote. “The soothing properties of honey, due to its thick consistency and natural enzymes, help coat and calm inflamed tissues in the throat.”
Honey With Whole Grains
Honey can improve the bioavailability of minerals such as magnesium and calcium in whole grains, according to Richards.“Its acidic pH and the presence of organic acids like gluconic acid help chelate these minerals, making them easier for the body to absorb,” she wrote.
Honey With Smoothies
Honey enhances the absorption of antioxidants from fruits in smoothies, according to Richards.“Its natural sugars can help stabilize antioxidant compounds during digestion, improving their bioavailability,” she wrote. “Honey also contains small amounts of enzymes and organic acids that may assist in breaking down fruit cell walls, releasing more nutrients.”
Honey With Baked Goods
“In baked goods, honey acts as a natural preservative due to its antimicrobial properties and low water activity, which inhibit the growth of mold and bacteria,” Richards wrote.Honey With Fruits
Richards noted that “honey increases the absorption of nutrients like vitamin C and antioxidants, especially in berries and citrus fruits.”Takeaway: Value of Food Synergy
A research article published in the Proceedings of the Nutrition Society stated that food synergy is “more than additive,” which indicates that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. This is because the combinations of thousands of constituents in healthy foods work in concert with each other.The effect of eating nutrients from wholesome foods differs from that of taking isolated nutrients, the authors emphasized. Large, long-term clinical trials involving isolated nutrients usually show they either have no effect or have harmful effects. For this reason, they believe the focus on nutrients rather than foods is counterproductive in many ways.
The TJN study and other research illustrate the value of food synergy, created by eating wholesome foods together. Because of the synergistic phenomenon derived from the complexity of food makeup, a healthy dietary pattern may promote wellness better than taking a vitamin tablet.