The old saw that goes “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me” has never applied more.
COVID-19, part one, was bad enough. Now, we are reading and hearing in numerous places that COVID-19, part two, is in the offing. In many ways, it has already begun with yet another COVID variant, BA.2.86, a highly mutated strain reported in Michigan, as the handy excuse.
Welcome back masks, lockdowns, social distancing, required vaccinations for work, boosters without end, the banning of easy (inexpensive) solutions such as ivermectin, unbelievable fortunes being made by pharmaceutical companies and their executives, school closings, our dumbed-down children increasingly falling behind grade level while friendless and living life through their smartphones, myriad small business bankruptcies, all our major cities in astonishing decay, riddled with crime, phony subsidies creating yet more inflation, families alienated from each other, isolation, depression, heavy drug usage, suicide and, most of all, extreme government control, either through the World Health Organization (in league with China) or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention—the last being the underlying intention of it all.
This is communism through health care, which some say Vladimir Lenin himself envisioned as the most efficient way to achieve his goal.
Notably, this is beginning again just at the moment our country is finally emerging, at least to some small extent, from the so-called pandemic.
We can't allow this repeat to take place. It’s up to us to stop it. We can refuse to comply—we must refuse.
This is a time for all to read or reread Henry David Thoreau’s “Civil Disobedience.” If this goes forward as it is pervasively rumored, it would be a classic case of what the 19th-century author described—civil (government) law in conflict with higher law.
Forget beer cans. Are you ready for a national mask boycott?
Astonishingly, this is occurring after the Cochrane Library—the supposed sine qua non for assimilating medical research studies—told us there was barely a difference, if any at all, between those who wore masks and those who didn’t in contracting the virus.
Further, Switzerland, of all places, home to many of the biggest pharmaceutical companies in the world, recently is no longer recommending the vaccines, even for those considered at high risk.