"My most brilliant achievement was my ability to be able to persuade my wife to marry me." | WINSTON S. CHURCHILL | |
| Donald Trump | | | |
| Mother's Day FLASH SALE! | Final Reminder: Our Mother’s Day FLASH SALE ends TONIGHT, May 16! We’ve all seen the unsettling events that have been happening in America, including: - A summer of rioting in most cities
- The use of the FBI against political opponents
- Constant censoring of information
Protect the moms in your life with access to the truth today
| GET OFFER >> | HURRY: The Mother’s Day FLASH SALE ends May 16th at 11:59pm. | |
If you're one of the many people who experience redness, itching, or other skin issues in springtime, Generex Purifying Hydra Plus Serum can help. This innovative product features a patented blend of Phyto Taber and Lactobacillus complex that work together to deeply purify your skin and reduce inflammation. The natural cyentella asiatics and green tea extract in the formula also provide added antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. Try it today and experience the power of patented Phyto Taber and Lactobacillus complex. |
Do You Trust the News? | When was the last time you read the news and thought, “I completely trust that source”…
It’s probably been a minute or two!
The Epoch Times' goal is to change that.
The Epoch Times doesn’t pander to ideologies, political parties, a particular point of view, or assessments – we’re an independent news organization that stands for truth.
Reporting on the news should be simple—get a story and tell the people. But the truth is, most media have become biased in the past years. News has given way to opinion pieces and is being reported as fact.
The media shouldn’t change facts, they should only report them. The scary truth is that 90% of the media in America is controlled by 6 corporations whose end goal is to drive their narrative. So they’re giving away their point of view and calling it “news”.
The Epoch Times' Morning Brief is full of fact-based pieces of unbiased truth. Our motive isn’t to make money or tell a specific side’s story—it’s to report the truth.
Our stories break through biased opinions and one-sided views.
Our mission statement says it all – We chase the truth, ground all statements in fact, and prevent people from being misled.
We’ve kept both truth and tradition in our media. This is a battle, and we’re fighting to protect the rights and freedoms of all Americans.
For $1 a week, you can get the unfiltered reality of America.
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